Took daughter Liz with me to replenish the supply, which means we buy by the bottle design and crazy flavors. This one got in there, even though it borders on a frubee and clearly I am premature since it isn't even October yet, much less Halloween. I am fearful that this means I will be "inclined" to have at least one more of this genre...

So, a pleasant enough golden color, and really, the favor is of nutmeg and cloves, the main flavorants of pumpkin pie, which I do like. Still, there is a part of me that wants to add whipped cream to this...
Full Name: Post Road Pumpkin Ale
Brewed By: Brooklyn Brewery
From: Utica NY
ABV: 5%
All in all, not a bad brew, and I would recommend if you like a bit of spice flavor in your beer, but not overpowering.
Dog needs walking, and bottle is empty...