The color of a fine sunset, and the dry aroma of good finishing hops, and the taste.....well, it lived up to the "pale" part of pale ale. It was quite drinkable, but the jolt of dessert sand in the mouth dryness I was hoping for didn't materialize. There was a tantalizing hint of it, but it seemed to fade over the bottle. If this is an option at a crab feast, and the rest are big domestics, there would be no question which I would chose (and then be tempted to hide some of the others to ensure a continued supply....).

Full Name: Backfin Pale Ale
Brewed by: Clay Pipe Brewing
From: Westminster, MD
ABV: 5.5%
So, their website says this is supposed to be smooth, so I would concur that they hit their objective then. They also make an IPA called Hop-Ocalypse, which could be worth trying. In the end, after a tiring day, this actually was a good choice, like picking up the Sports Illustrated to read now instead of a novel....
No old jokes.....