A shot glass of this was like a little black hole, no light in or out, but then this isn't about looks so bottoms up and down it went. Big flavor, not too sweet though hints of licorice, which is not high on my list of favorite tastes, but a clean finish and in the end but pretty dang tasty.

Full Name: Bell's Kalamazoo Stout
Brewed by: Bells Brewery Inc
From: Comstock MI
ABV: 6%
This was my dessert tonight, complimenting a late dinner of hickory-smoked chicken and salad. Now I'm totally stuffed, so yep, it met expectations. I'm thinking that every well stocked beer fridge should have a stout for such occasions. Should it be this one, that's a bit premature to say maybe, but if it is, and I have the room, I'd grab it.
Be advised that Bell's does not filter most of their beers, so there will be sediment in the bottom of most bottles. For Bell's you use a glass.