Another first, one out of a can. A lager, and not surprisingly, it is what it says it is. The color is clear pale citrine, and the taste straightforward, with a faint bitter finish that one would expect. Close your eyes, and I could probably line up hundreds of other beers that taste exactly the same and you couldn't tell it apart, but hey, sometimes you want a beer that doesn't distract you, and this one is perfectly fine in that role (and at 16 oz, means fewer trips to the fridge...).

Full Name: Oranjeboom Premium Lager
Brewed by: Hofbrauhaus Wolters GmBH (under license from Brouwerij de Oranjeboom, Holland) - very complicated......
From: Braunschweig, Germany
ABV: 5%
This one has a strange lineage, and like many "export" beers, lacks much depth of character. Both the Germans and Dutch brew beers with more pizzaz, which I have to look forward to. So, if you see this in the cooler or in someone's fridge at a party, and you don't want to be seen drinking a domestic, but want the taste of a domestic, grab it. Proc would drink this beer, my bad for not saving it for when he came over. I guess I can pick up one to have on hand, as I like to try and get him out of the "Bud" zone.... :>)
At least you know how to pronounce "uh-RAN-yuh-bohm" :-)