So yep, very pale yellow color, and very pale flavor, the latter making it very easy to drink, but in my humble O, why? Hum, if the price is right, it would be good to keep on hand for friends that drink beer, sort of.

Full Name: Heavenly Light Pilsner
Brewed by: Holy Brew Brewing Company
From: Wilkes Barre PA
ABV: 3.8% (totally sad....)
Even though my older brother Rick wanted this dedicated to him, it still goes to my mom, who is doing as well as can be expected after her surgery. I had a good conversation with her on her iPhone this am, which was amazing. Rick supposedly has a beer from CA for me, but no dedications will happen before donations (except for mom of course!) That is just the rules..... ;>)
Top 3 so far:
Lion Lager
Hoptical Illusion
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