You know, I always have thought that wheats are summer beers, and have proven that to myself a few times now. When I close my eyes drinking this, I am certainly reminded on the smell of fresh cut grass, and perhaps a bit of the taste when you dump the lawnmover bag and the dust flies up in your face.... Overall though, it is a decent drink, and refreshingly light for a wheat, with no pretention or overspice.

Full Name: Mothership Wit
Brewed By: New Belguim Brewing
From: Fort Collins, CO
ABV: 4.8%
You know, this one actually grew on me a bit while drinking it. I don't think I will turn into a wheatnik (another "you heard it here first... ;>) ), but I would be tempted to keep a few of these in the frig for a hot day. The 22oz bottle is a plus, as anything that cuts down trips to fetch another round is good!
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