This one not only has a cool label, classic burnt orange color and fine aroma, it backs it up with great hops taste. No fruity sweet overtones, no chocolate or coffee hints, just pure, clean, refreshing yumness. I will have to go out and get another of these along with it's co-partner, and do a comparision before I can pick a fav, but either way I win. Per the website, it won the 2010 Gold Medal at the Atlantic city beer festival.

Full Name: Hopsecutioner India Pale Ale
Brewed Masterly By: Terrapin Beer Company
From: Athens GA
ABV: 7.2% (nice!)
So, would I move to Athens GA, sigh, probably not, but only because of the location, not the beer. I mean, GA over CO or NH, not in my book.....
This is another from the Ned collection, and another winner!
I figured you would like this. It is also very good on tap. Since many of the others I gave you are from CO, I am thinking that beats GA.