So, a canned palie, who knew. Actually it isn't half bad, and alot better than the porter recently consumed. It has both a strong hops aroma as well as the taste. You know, there are times when bottles are not practical, this would be a very good alternative.

Full Name: Snapperhead IPA Farmhouse Ale
Brewed By: Butternuts Beer and Ale
From: Garrattsville NY
ABV: 6.3%
So got this home, and put it in the freezer, then turned on the Masters, and forgot beer. It was a bit slushy by the time I remembered, but it thawed well. BTW, this one takes the award for most bizzare website.
This one is dedicated to my mom, who unfortunately took a side-step last night in the waltz of recovery. Hopefully she'll be back making forward progress and stamping on dad's feet again soon!
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