This is the first one, and it's taken me over half the bottle to start to appreciate it. It has a nice coppery red color, and initally was a bit malty, but then my tastebuds must be acclimating because it is now quite enjoyable, in a non-palie way. It still finishes on the malt, but as a character trait, not a flaw.

Full Name: Double Bag Long Trail
Brewed By: Long Trail Brewing Co
From: Bridgewater Corners, Vermont
ABV: 7.2%
Hum, with a decent ABV, this is a sleeper to move up the ranks. It doesn't break the top 3 of course, but if you can get past the cows on the label, with udders prominently displayed and thus not very manly, it's worth drinking. I think I saw another by this same brewery, so will pick it up next I need to replenish. BTW, it seems the nearest place that has a decent quantity of beer is about an hour away.....local...
A post blog note: I was sitting here thinking about a second beer watching the sunset (again...) when I heard the seal slapping the water, begging for beer (again..). I must have thrown off his timing since I did my blog a bit earlier tonight. Of course he didn't stick around for his pic to be taken, but I almost got one of the giant, drink-all-your-blood-in-one-gulp, mosquitos that seem to come out at this time of night.
keep it up, Maine needs fewer visitors up that way