This one rocks the hopsba. Who cares about the color, who cares you can't taste a hint of malt, and if you drank enough of these, you'd quickly get to not caring about anything. Now, I couldn't drink this one every night, and in the end I think I like a little more balance in a palie, but this one is definitely a must try if you are a hopshead.

Full Name: Big A IPA
Brewed By: Smuttynose Brewing Company
From: Portsmouth NH
ABV: 9.74%
So, the guy on the label is an old time boxer - Stash Wojciechowski, aka The Killer Kielbasa...
That aside, I'm beginning to wonder if I move to NH now, would my daughter qualify for instate tuition next year... :>) Only one more night up in Maine, then back to Va and reality.
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