Yep, I changed the subject, which of course means the beer did not wow me. It was decently orange, and had the hops dryness, but lacks real body and depth. That said, this is nector compared to last night's beer...
Full name: India Pale Ale (not very original...)
Brewed By: Avery Brewing Co
From: Boulder CO
ABV: 6.5%
To share part of my exciting life, Ellie and I spent most of yesterday working to deflea the house, from vacuuming everywhere, and washing/spraying bedding areas of the dog and 2 cats, and finally, the big finale, washing the dog. Today, we went to the farmers market, where we ordered a ham for Thanksgiving from our pork guy (it is really the best) and have been helping Elizabeth with college applications while working on updating finances. I even made a new business connection with a guy in the UK via skype.
Wow, it amazes me as I write it. I definitely earn my beer every day ;>)
he he, Go Devils
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