Sadly, the color of dog pee on snow and a taste reminiscent of Old Mil or maybe Schlitz, and you get the picture.
Full Name: Henninger Premium Bier
Brewed by: Henninger-Brau
From: Germany
ABV: 4.8%
So, the picture that comes to mind is german college males standing around chugging a few of these babies down. I mean, if it is $1.29/can here, it must be like a quarter a can there, making it the perfect cheap drink (other than the slightly low ABV, which can be made up for in volume only the youth can sustain...) Of course, that assumes they actually drink this there, rather than export it all to us, who are stupid enough to buy it.
Ah well, I saw quite a few winter ales hitting the shelves, so hopefully this next month should be full of good beer. Along with that, I am discussing with my dad and brothers how to best accomplish "whisky of the week" starting in Jan, which will focus on single malts. It means a month of overlap, but hey, I can make that sacrifice... ;>)
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