Full name: Haywards 5000 Indian Premium Beer
Brewed by: Skol Breweries
From: India
ABv: 7%
So this one is definitely in the classic Indian style. Light in color, a very faint malt flavor that is gone within moments of being swallowed, and clearly meant to stay out of the way of any food you are eating at the time (not that anything can overpower the taste/heat of some Indian dishes...). This one is definitely akin to it's brethren, Kingfisher and Taj Mahal, though has somewhat less taste, and I think less ABV that Taj Mahal. You could drink a lot of this beer quickly, if you were so inclined.
This one is dedicated to my very good friend Dave Prochnow, who unfortunately is struggling with a health issue at the moment. I have shared many beer drinking occasions with Dave over many years, and while he tends to have a more narrow scope of beers that he will drink, he would get through this one ok I think. Here's hoping he gets well soon, so we can continue that great tradition.
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