Ahhhhhh, this one didn't disappoint. The color was a burnished bronze, but a bit cloudy, so it was with a bit of trepidation than I downed the shot. Luckily, that dry, grapefruit flavor was there to tantilize my tastebuds, without overpowering, and drifted off to a nice finish so that I was ready for the next mouthful (I was going to put sip, but seriously, what honest beer drinker "sips" beer... ;>) )

Full Name: Centennial IPA
Brewed by: Founders Brewing Company
From: Grand Rapids, MI
ABV: 7.2% (quite respectable!)
So, this is a nice little IPA, and definitely more drinkable than most regular beers, but in the palie world, it is kind of like the girl next door. A friend perhaps, pleasant enough for conversation, but not going to to get the "most popular" in the yearbook....
My favs remain unchanged: Singha, Lion Lager, Hazed and Infused
Alas, I have consumed my last H&I, and must restock!
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