This one works. Nice golden bronze color, strong malt undertones with a nice dry finish. Basically just a good drinking beer. You know, I just thought of a new way to measure beers - how far into the blog they make it before they are finished. The more I dislike the beer, the longer it lasts. This one is almost gone, and I could easily have another, except I don't have one. Life is cruel sometimes... ;>)
Full Name: Geary's HSA
Brewed By: Geary Brewing Co
From: Portland ME
ABV: (unknown - not on bottle or website, guessing 5+%)
So, HSA stands for Hampshire Special Ale. I'm not sure I'd go that far, but it has the sweetness that palies lack, which is a good change of pace. I'm having smoked salmon for dinner, which this one probably would have complimented, if there were any left...
BTW, no one notice my backdrop last night..sniff, sniff...
I noticed, but I wasn't going to comment. Now, if you had a copy of Fine Woodworking, I'd have said something :-)