Another beer from those provided by son Cullen, who gets credit for finding ones I haven't had yet. Thus endeth the pleasantries.

Who would have believed that 2 different breweries would have followed this path. It's like watching one of those Friday the 13th movies, when everyone surely can tell the person on the screen is just about to get axed... Admittedly, the porter genre is not my fav, and the last vanilla flavored beer left me gagging. At least the strong roasted malt prevents the vanilla taste for really digging into the taste buds, which is all the good I can say about this one.
Full Name: Remarkable Vanilla Porter
Brewed By: Breckenridge Brewery
From: Denver Co
ABV: pfft, not on bottle, and well who cares.
You know, putting the words "remarkable" and "partakable" on the label is just wrong, as it lulls the beer drinker into a false sense that this might actually be good. Seriously, if by chance any brewers actually read this one day, DON'T PUT VANILLA IN YOUR BEER!
Favs remain untouched - Singha, Lion Lager, Hazed and Infused.
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