So, a stout in summer you ask, is he going crazy? Well, there is a very good reason why that is the case, and as for the beer, I was hoping the name would bring some rain and thus relief form the heat...

A deep dark brown, the color of one of those old time rootbeer hard candies in the shape of a barrel. As one would expect, the flavor is dominated by the heavily roasted malt, but, it has a smooth finish after a bold taste, which is the mark of a good beer in my opinion. It should be like fireworks. You get the wow factor, then a pause, then another wow etc. The only diff is that typically with a beer, there is no grand finale, unless it is the stars you see when you fall down after drinking too many... ;>)
Full Name: Storm King Stout
Brewed By: Victory Brewing Co
From: Downingtown PA
ABV: 9.1% (thumbs up!)
So, this is the 2nd or 3rd by this brewer, and I seem to recall that each has been pretty decent. This is maybe a couple of hours away, so perhaps a pilgrimage is in order.
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