While a true B&T is mixed so that the light and dark beers stay separated in a clear glass, obviously that is impossible in a pre-mixed bottle. This one gets it's darkness and malt from a porter, and it's lightness and ease of drinking from a pilsner. All in all, it works ok, and the bottle is impressive, so for the wow factor at a party this one is decent.
Full Name: Mississippi Mud Black & Tan
Brewed By: Mississippi Brewing Co
From: Utica NY
ABV: 5% ?
A bit of an enigma this beer. There is no website, only references to the beer on other postings about beer. Rumor has it that is is at least distributed by the company that makes the Arizona Tea brand, but no confirmation of that, nor do I really care. It doesn't crack my favs, but was ok to drink, and in the big bottle, I could give Cullen half without feeling jipped. After all, isn't that what Christmas is all about... ;>)
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