Ok, a decent enough golden color, and nothing fancy about the aroma, but the taste is just

Full Name: The First Snow Ale
Brewed By: RJ Rockers Brewing Co
From: SC
ABV: not on bottle, and not worth spending time finding
Got to give this brewer points for labeling, as they are all good. I just wish they put the same creative effort in their beers. Still, perhaps it is intentional to appeal to more drinkers, but the only snow with this one is the snow job that it might be worth drinking...
Dang, still one more night between now and the weekend and the big bottle palies. Of course, in two weeks, the Wednesday Whisky of the Week starts, assuming brother Shard get's the first month's samples out timely and I can convince son Cullen to build the wiki we plan to track that adventure in...
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