The piepline is refilled for another week, but sadly with few seasonals, as I caught them in between restockings...
At least it is friday, and this one is festive enough in looks and name to get by.
Actually, it pours a quite pleasing orange/red, like a sunset over fields of wheat. I was a bit scared by the mention of it containing seasonal spices of nutmeg, cinamon and that ilk, but luckly, they play only a very minor role, to the extent that if you didn't read the label, you wouldn't guess they are there.
At least it is friday, and this one is festive enough in looks and name to get by.

Full Name: Santa's Swallie
Brewed By: The Inveralmond Brewery
From: Scotland
ABV: 4.3% (ie just above water...)
So, for the curious out there, a "swallie" is the Scot name for a drink. This would be a great Xmas party beer, as it is festive looking, but very mild on taste so could be drunk by the masses. It is also just shy of 17 oz, so requires fewer trips to ther fridge.
Hum, guess because it is friday, I am finding all the positives here. All in all, I was hoping for a little more heft to this one, but alas, that expectation fell short. Still, a beer is a beer, and for that, I am thankful.
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