So tonight it really isn't about the beer, as dad and I haven't stopped moving since we left Natick at 7:30am and hit Castine at 4pm (after a 2 hour lunch on the river making sure our fishing equipment was in working order, just in case we get to use it later...;>) ).
So had a couple different ones tonight, including a few drafts down at the local eatery with the Koos's, who have been such good friends of my parents up here in ME, and have done so much helping get stuff ready up here. One was a tasty palie and the other a decent ale. The bottled beer tonight was a palie local to my brother Rick, which survived the ride in the Sebring... (shudder)
Full Name: Wachusett IPA
Brewed By; Wachusett Brewing Co
From: Westminster MA
ABV: 5.6%
So, pretty basic pale yellow color, and decent if not spectacular hops hit. A good drinkable beverage, and one could easily drink a few of these without effort. Not quite at the "Arrogant Bastard" level, but then we all can't be.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Day 120 - Arrogant Bastard
No pic tonight, as I'm at my brother's house in MA on my way back to ME with my dad to fix some issues at their house for a week. Golly, guess what, my brother had just bought a used 2000 gold Sebring convertible, and gasp he made me ride in it with him to the beer store (without a paper bag to cover my head no less....). The good news is, we picked up a few good ones for the blog, so the pain is somewhat nullified...
You gotta love a beer that has "you're not worthy" on the label, and then has the taste to back it up. As it's in a brown bottle, and I'm too lazy to get up to find a clear glass to see the color, I'm only guessing it is a nice dark gold (and actually, it is, as my dad poured some into a glass). Assumptions aside, it has a full, dominating hops flavor, a pretty cool label, and comes in a 22oz bottle. All good here.
Full Name: Arrogant Bastard Ale
Brewed By: Stone Brewing Company
From: San Diego CA
ABV: 7.2%
Great beer. Find one and drink it if you like hoppy ales. They also have an obnoxious website if you want a good laugh.
You gotta love a beer that has "you're not worthy" on the label, and then has the taste to back it up. As it's in a brown bottle, and I'm too lazy to get up to find a clear glass to see the color, I'm only guessing it is a nice dark gold (and actually, it is, as my dad poured some into a glass). Assumptions aside, it has a full, dominating hops flavor, a pretty cool label, and comes in a 22oz bottle. All good here.
Full Name: Arrogant Bastard Ale
Brewed By: Stone Brewing Company
From: San Diego CA
ABV: 7.2%
Great beer. Find one and drink it if you like hoppy ales. They also have an obnoxious website if you want a good laugh.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Day 119 Harvest

A deep reddish gold color, and strong hops puts this one on the thumbs up side.
Full Name: Southern Hemisphere Harvest
Brewed By: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
From: Chico CA
ABV: 6.7%
This one is made from hops brought in from New Zealand (thus the name). While pretty good, Cullen had nabbed one of the other palies from my pipeline before dinner and it was even better. Now I have to get another one to write about...
Go Hoos, beat Duke in Lax!
Sierra Nevada,
Southern Hemisphere Harvest
Friday, May 28, 2010
Day 118 - Zywiec

Actually, this one runs towards the sweet malt side rather than bitter, so at least is different than I expected. It still has the very light color though, and while it isn't bad per se, it doesn't wow either.
Full Name: Zywiec
Brewed by: Grupa Zyweic
From: Poland
ABV: 5.6%
So, now the bottle is empty, and I can cross both Poland and a beer beginning with the letter Z off the list. Hoorah.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Day 117 = Queen Anne Kolsch
Sometimes, a beer
lives up to it's name. Like this one for example, is definitely a queen's beer... ;>)
It's very light colored, very light flavored, and yet has a subtly dry tang that sets it above a number of others that I have had. That doesn't mean I'm moving to be close to the brewery, nor necessarily stocking the fridge with it, but if it was this or domestic, this one would win.
Full Name: Queen Anne Kolsch
Brewed By: Fordham Brewing Co
From: Dover DE
ABV: 5%
Good friend Dave was sent home from the hospital yesterday without needing surgery (excellent news) and with orders to rest for while, specifically sitting outside on their dockboat and having a beer or two was ok (ah, liquid diets...)

It's very light colored, very light flavored, and yet has a subtly dry tang that sets it above a number of others that I have had. That doesn't mean I'm moving to be close to the brewery, nor necessarily stocking the fridge with it, but if it was this or domestic, this one would win.
Full Name: Queen Anne Kolsch
Brewed By: Fordham Brewing Co
From: Dover DE
ABV: 5%
Good friend Dave was sent home from the hospital yesterday without needing surgery (excellent news) and with orders to rest for while, specifically sitting outside on their dockboat and having a beer or two was ok (ah, liquid diets...)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Day 116 - Brawler
Seeing as how we (by which I mean me...) can draw a conclusion that no matter how cool the label looks, it doesn't de facto imply the beer inside the bottle is any good, this one is a pleasant surprise.
I can't say that we've had a "pugilist style ale" before either, but we might have to track down more for comparision. Hum, upon a quick look at the ole internet, it doesn't appear this this is really a style of beer at all, they just made it up...
Regardless, a russet brown color, and very strong malt over a creamy texture, leaves this one on the acceptable side of things.
Full Name: Brawler
Brewed By: Yards Brewing Company
From: Philly, PA
ABV: 4.2%
Ok, this one is a tad towards the light side on the alcohol, but there are rare (and more rare for some that others...;>) ) occasions where keeping one's wits longer is a needful thing. This one is a really good change of pace from both bad beer and strong palies, so I would be inclined to keep a few sitting around.
I can't say that we've had a "pugilist style ale" before either, but we might have to track down more for comparision. Hum, upon a quick look at the ole internet, it doesn't appear this this is really a style of beer at all, they just made it up...
Regardless, a russet brown color, and very strong malt over a creamy texture, leaves this one on the acceptable side of things.

Full Name: Brawler
Brewed By: Yards Brewing Company
From: Philly, PA
ABV: 4.2%
Ok, this one is a tad towards the light side on the alcohol, but there are rare (and more rare for some that others...;>) ) occasions where keeping one's wits longer is a needful thing. This one is a really good change of pace from both bad beer and strong palies, so I would be inclined to keep a few sitting around.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Day 115 - Ed Hardy

Palest yellow, it has a flat taste with no oomph. Pair this with the cheapest of Mexican foods, and it might be drinkable, especially if there is the added incentive of having eaten a few raw jalapenos and your mouth is numb anyway.
Full Name: Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier
Brewed by: Cerveceria Mexicana aka Tecate
From: Mexico
ABV: unknown, don't care
Ignoring this loser, the night wasn't a total waste as I actually had a decent beer with dinner. It shall remain unnamed for now, as I was reminded that it would be a good one for this one of these days.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Day 114 - Hop Mountain
This one comes from a local micro-brewery, that generally produces good beer. This one doesn't disappoint, but doesn't wow either.
It has a nice burnished bronze color, and you get a hops hit right away, but it sort of fades quickly. The taste is almost gone before the beer hits the stomach.
Full Name: Hop Mountain Pale Ale
Brewed by: Old Dominion Breweing Co
From: Ashburn Va
ABV: 5.6%
Actually, a good palie for when quantity is as important as quality, as it is easy to drink, without making you stop to think about it. To be honest, it has been a while since I had their beer or ale, but it seems to me they both have a better body behind them. I probably will have to put one of them in the pipeline soon, just to validate that thought.
One of these days, I'll find something that cracks my top 3, but no the now.
It has a nice burnished bronze color, and you get a hops hit right away, but it sort of fades quickly. The taste is almost gone before the beer hits the stomach.

Full Name: Hop Mountain Pale Ale
Brewed by: Old Dominion Breweing Co
From: Ashburn Va
ABV: 5.6%
Actually, a good palie for when quantity is as important as quality, as it is easy to drink, without making you stop to think about it. To be honest, it has been a while since I had their beer or ale, but it seems to me they both have a better body behind them. I probably will have to put one of them in the pipeline soon, just to validate that thought.
One of these days, I'll find something that cracks my top 3, but no the now.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Day 113 - Sweaty Betty
In in the mood for a bit of whimsy, this one is definitely all about the name/label, though a wheatnik who likes their beer on the lighter side might really like this one.
An extremely pale yellow, you get the distinct wheat brew flavor but it doesn't overpower. Very similar to say a Blue Moon. No funky spice or fruit noticable, so in the end, while not my favorite genre, it is drinkable.
Full Name: Sweaty Betty Blonde
Brewed By; Boulder Beer Company
From: Boulder CO
ABV: 5.9%
It's Sunday, and I actually don't have much more to say about this one, so until tomorrow.....
An extremely pale yellow, you get the distinct wheat brew flavor but it doesn't overpower. Very similar to say a Blue Moon. No funky spice or fruit noticable, so in the end, while not my favorite genre, it is drinkable.

Full Name: Sweaty Betty Blonde
Brewed By; Boulder Beer Company
From: Boulder CO
ABV: 5.9%
It's Sunday, and I actually don't have much more to say about this one, so until tomorrow.....
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Day 112 - The Raven
Sadly, Ellie shared with me today that she really didn't enjoy going beer shopping with me, something about it taking too long... sniff, sniff. Ok, got over that quickly, and the thing I like about Total Wine is that they seem to rotate new beers into the singles section on a regular basis. I picked out a new 6 for this week, plus a six pack of a local palie (Cullen is coming home tomorrow, so the overall consumption rate will increase around here).
So, if I just spent a lot of time on fluff and not the beer, you can probably guess the reason. I picked this one for the location and label, and that turns out to be the best part. It is just a basic beer, no frills, no bold flavor, just a beer. Go ahead, fill up your cooler with this one, or your cups for a game of beer-pong, it won't distract you from whatever activity you are doing, and will provide the desired benefit in time.
Full Name: The Raven Special Lager
Brewed By: Baltimore-Washington Beer Works
From: Baltimore MD
ABV: unknown, not on label or website, guessing 5% range
"Here I sit, tired and weary, sipping on todays blog beery,
Cheery tapping, taste buds napping, writing down my daily yapping,
rapping 'bout the beers I drink, deftly sharing thoughts I think,
Suddenly the bottle's drained, on my short parade it's rained.
Will this one pass lips some more,
Quoth the Raven nevermore...."
(actually, given this is so easy to drink, and I am an Edgar Allen Poe fan, I might be tempted to keep a 6 pack of this on hand)
So, if I just spent a lot of time on fluff and not the beer, you can probably guess the reason. I picked this one for the location and label, and that turns out to be the best part. It is just a basic beer, no frills, no bold flavor, just a beer. Go ahead, fill up your cooler with this one, or your cups for a game of beer-pong, it won't distract you from whatever activity you are doing, and will provide the desired benefit in time.

Full Name: The Raven Special Lager
Brewed By: Baltimore-Washington Beer Works
From: Baltimore MD
ABV: unknown, not on label or website, guessing 5% range
"Here I sit, tired and weary, sipping on todays blog beery,
Cheery tapping, taste buds napping, writing down my daily yapping,
rapping 'bout the beers I drink, deftly sharing thoughts I think,
Suddenly the bottle's drained, on my short parade it's rained.
Will this one pass lips some more,
Quoth the Raven nevermore...."
(actually, given this is so easy to drink, and I am an Edgar Allen Poe fan, I might be tempted to keep a 6 pack of this on hand)
Baltimore-Washington Beer Works,
The Raven
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day 111 - To The 9s

So, this is the one brought back from CA by my older brother Rick a few months back when I first started this. Ignoring that it is a 2009 Holiday Ale, and so would seem past it's prime, it is actually very tasty.
A pure gold color, solid dose of malt followed by a quite lively hit of hops - delish. I almost feel like I should go put a suit on to drink this, but then, do I ever wear a suit, well, besides my birthday suit and we really don't want to go there... ;>)
Dave is still stuck in the hospital, so I need to sneak in there and put some bourbon in his IV tonight. Seriously, get better Dave, the alcohol market is slumping... ;>)
A pure gold color, solid dose of malt followed by a quite lively hit of hops - delish. I almost feel like I should go put a suit on to drink this, but then, do I ever wear a suit, well, besides my birthday suit and we really don't want to go there... ;>)
Full Name: To The 9s
Brewed By: Karl Strauss Brewing Company
From: San Diego CA
ABV: 9.9% (yeah baby, and in a 20+/- oz bottle!)
Dave is still stuck in the hospital, so I need to sneak in there and put some bourbon in his IV tonight. Seriously, get better Dave, the alcohol market is slumping... ;>)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Day 110 - Haywards 5000
Some things you just can't plan. For instance, my closing comment last night on how the use of "premium" on the label usually means the beer is not really from a taste perspective, and yet, here I am drinking another beer, that just so happens to fall in that category, totally unplanned, and yes, it fits that profile.....

Full name: Haywards 5000 Indian Premium Beer
Brewed by: Skol Breweries
From: India
ABv: 7%
So this one is definitely in the classic Indian style. Light in color, a very faint malt flavor that is gone within moments of being swallowed, and clearly meant to stay out of the way of any food you are eating at the time (not that anything can overpower the taste/heat of some Indian dishes...). This one is definitely akin to it's brethren, Kingfisher and Taj Mahal, though has somewhat less taste, and I think less ABV that Taj Mahal. You could drink a lot of this beer quickly, if you were so inclined.
This one is dedicated to my very good friend Dave Prochnow, who unfortunately is struggling with a health issue at the moment. I have shared many beer drinking occasions with Dave over many years, and while he tends to have a more narrow scope of beers that he will drink, he would get through this one ok I think. Here's hoping he gets well soon, so we can continue that great tradition.

Full name: Haywards 5000 Indian Premium Beer
Brewed by: Skol Breweries
From: India
ABv: 7%
So this one is definitely in the classic Indian style. Light in color, a very faint malt flavor that is gone within moments of being swallowed, and clearly meant to stay out of the way of any food you are eating at the time (not that anything can overpower the taste/heat of some Indian dishes...). This one is definitely akin to it's brethren, Kingfisher and Taj Mahal, though has somewhat less taste, and I think less ABV that Taj Mahal. You could drink a lot of this beer quickly, if you were so inclined.
This one is dedicated to my very good friend Dave Prochnow, who unfortunately is struggling with a health issue at the moment. I have shared many beer drinking occasions with Dave over many years, and while he tends to have a more narrow scope of beers that he will drink, he would get through this one ok I think. Here's hoping he gets well soon, so we can continue that great tradition.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 109 - Game Day Ice
I picked this one up at the 7-11 the night of the ill-fated rasberry-flavored Four Loko malt beverage. At least one is drinkable....
So, pours with high carbonation, yellow like dried-grass, tastes like a cheap, mass-produced beer, must be American. Yep. Clearly, this one sells itself based on it being 24 oz, thus saving the trips to the fridge.

So, pours with high carbonation, yellow like dried-grass, tastes like a cheap, mass-produced beer, must be American. Yep. Clearly, this one sells itself based on it being 24 oz, thus saving the trips to the fridge.
Full Name: Game Day Ice
Brewed By: Game Day Brewing CoFrom: La Crosse WIABV: 5.5%Two last comments.
First, it seems that this one is brewed solely for 7-11 (as they are the 3rd largest beer retailer in the US...)
Second, I'm finding that any beer that uses the word "premium" on the label, really isn't....
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day 108 - Eggenberg

This one looks like pale morning sunlight, and its crispness reminds me of a cool spring morning in the mountains. I wouldn't go so far as to use it to replace the milk on my cereal, but it would be easy to have a second one.
Full Name: Schloss Eggenberg Hopfen Konig
Brewed by: Castle Brewery
From: Vorchdorf Austria
ABV: 5.1%
I am beginning to see an interesting pattern of beers that come in less than 12oz. While in some cases that is a good thing, and some should go for even less, I have to wonder if this is a cost cutting trend, or some conspiracy to try and have people drink less.....
The favs remain the same: Singha, Lion Lager, Hazed and Infused
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 107 - Good Juju
Monday, the start of a new week, and day to experiment with beer. Hum, wasn't there a song about hating mondays back in the early 80's.....
Ok ginger beer might rate up there near the top of flavored beers, as this one overall is rather bland and benign. In this case, the ginger does not overpower the beer as it might, and I am left sitting here drinking a strange beer, but not hating it.
Full Name: Good Juju
Brewed By: Left Hand Brewing Co
From: Longmont CO
ABV: 4.2%
Yes, yes, I know, I get no sympathy drinking this one, as I am the one that chose to do so. I ask you though, did I really have a choice, or has this become bigger than I am, and assumed it's own control....
You know, upon reflection (and almost completion of consumption), I might actually see this beer going well with a dish heavy on the ginger, as it would provide a good supporting drink to that. Shoot, it may even enhance the food. Maybe someone out there is brave enough to try that out and let us know.
Ok ginger beer might rate up there near the top of flavored beers, as this one overall is rather bland and benign. In this case, the ginger does not overpower the beer as it might, and I am left sitting here drinking a strange beer, but not hating it.

Full Name: Good Juju
Brewed By: Left Hand Brewing Co
From: Longmont CO
ABV: 4.2%
Yes, yes, I know, I get no sympathy drinking this one, as I am the one that chose to do so. I ask you though, did I really have a choice, or has this become bigger than I am, and assumed it's own control....
You know, upon reflection (and almost completion of consumption), I might actually see this beer going well with a dish heavy on the ginger, as it would provide a good supporting drink to that. Shoot, it may even enhance the food. Maybe someone out there is brave enough to try that out and let us know.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Day 106 - River Horse

Full Name: River Horse Special Ale
Brewed By: River Horse Brewing Co
From: Lambertville NJ
ABV: 4.5%
So, this one is an ESB, and is on the low end of ABV. Hum, definitely not going to crack my favorites today. Good news is, I can cross NJ off the list of states, but soon will have to go back and make a list of which ones I need beers from.
Day 105 - Otter Summer Ale

I drank the beer, but ran out of time/steam last night to write it up, after driving 9 hours from MA, to arrive just in time to watch Liz and friends posing for prom pictures (yikes...but she and friends made it home at 4 something, so that bridge is crossed...), then going out to dinner with the Procs to crashing and burning.
Of course, now I have to remember something about it. Hum, it has a rather calm, pleasant label....
Full Name: 'Otter Summer Ale
Brewed By: Otter Creek Brewing
From: Middlebury VT
ABV: Unknown, probably 5-6% I'm guessing
So, this is a very light wheat ale, easy to drink without much distraction. A good beer to have out on a summer evening while watching the sunset. This brewery makes a palie that is 11% ABV, so may have to track it down.
Hopefully I will be back on track tonight again, with 260 more to go... ;>)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Day 104 Hite
So, what day is this....friday I think for at least another 40 minutes. Now we're back in Natick MA and back to Herndon tomorrow, hopefully at a reasonable hour. The good news is, I have a very promising beer that my brother Rick gave me that he brought back from CA to have when I can stay in one place for a few hours.
So, this one claims to be "clean, crisp and fresh". Hum, I would put it in the category of a drink this only if your other options are mass domestic, anything fruit flavored or a belgian style. You could probably drink a whole lot of this, if that was your main goal.
Full Name: Hite Beer
Brewed By: Hite Brewery
From: Seoul Korea
ABV: 4.8%
No pic tonight, too tired to deal with it. What is crazy, is that I didn't have time to stop and find some New England mirco-brews for my pipeline. It seems I may have to go back to Maine in a few weeks to actually do some repairs, so hopefully I'll be able to do that then.
So, this one claims to be "clean, crisp and fresh". Hum, I would put it in the category of a drink this only if your other options are mass domestic, anything fruit flavored or a belgian style. You could probably drink a whole lot of this, if that was your main goal.
Full Name: Hite Beer
Brewed By: Hite Brewery
From: Seoul Korea
ABV: 4.8%
No pic tonight, too tired to deal with it. What is crazy, is that I didn't have time to stop and find some New England mirco-brews for my pipeline. It seems I may have to go back to Maine in a few weeks to actually do some repairs, so hopefully I'll be able to do that then.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Day 103 Shipyard
So, I'm up in Castine Maine, helping my dad with some work around their house up here (arrived today/leave tomorrow...) and we went to the house of a friend of his and mom's, first for a bourbon, which turned into a great dinner.
While there, I had this beer. While not a palie, it was a very drinkable ale. Nice color with good malt flavor. I'd definitely have this one again, and it actually would go well after a particularly strong palie, as it is soft on the palate. It is just a good comfort beer.
Of course, I neglected to get a pic of the bottle, but that can be found on the website.
Full Name: Shipyard Export Ale
Brewed by: Shipyard Brewing Co
From: Portland ME
ABV: unknown, would guess slightly more than 5
A great time all around, listening to my nephew Bill and Mr Scott discuss Chinese history, and seeing some of the very cool stuff Mrs Scott has found at low tide along the "shore" in Castine (the town has been occupied since the 1600's).
While there, I had this beer. While not a palie, it was a very drinkable ale. Nice color with good malt flavor. I'd definitely have this one again, and it actually would go well after a particularly strong palie, as it is soft on the palate. It is just a good comfort beer.
Of course, I neglected to get a pic of the bottle, but that can be found on the website.
Full Name: Shipyard Export Ale
Brewed by: Shipyard Brewing Co
From: Portland ME
ABV: unknown, would guess slightly more than 5
A great time all around, listening to my nephew Bill and Mr Scott discuss Chinese history, and seeing some of the very cool stuff Mrs Scott has found at low tide along the "shore" in Castine (the town has been occupied since the 1600's).
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Day 102 - Chili Beer

Yeah, this one doesn't really need any explanation.....
But since some needed to know more...
Put a hot pepper in a beer and let it soak for a while, and this is what you get. A good lager base, with a spicy kick. Since we had Mexican food beforehand for dinner, this was a good pick, but I wouldn't stray too far from that culinary choice if I plan to drink this one. Also, I'm not sure I'd want to drink a whole lot of these, but one is a different and ok experience.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 101 - Maharaja

This is a typical Indian beer, in that it is light, with a hint of flavor, but would not detract from the Indian food that you would eat while drinking this. It is a good beer for serving to a mixed crowd of real and fake beer drinkers... ;>)
Full Name: Maharaja Premium Indian Pilsner
Brewed by: Blossom Industries (under license from United Breweries)
From: India
ABV: 5%
I not planning any pilgrimages to find the source of this, but the bottle is empty, and I could drink another...
Hopefully I am at a place tomorrow that has internet and beer (well, I'll bring my own of the latter...)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Day 100 - Piraat Ale
Oh the pain I bring to me,
when only check the ABV...
So, for day 100, somehow I picked out a what? Yes, sigh, a Belgian ale, and a true one at that. I feel the skin being peeled from my tongue and tonsils with each sip. Yep, this one has the full on assault on the tastebuds that some might call flavor, but I call nasty.....
Full Name: Piraat Ale
Brewed by: Br. Van Steenberge
From: Belgium
ABV: 10.5%
Here, now, I vow not to have another one of this style until at least I've reached the 300s, with the caveat that if somehow I get a fully paid trip to Belgium, I'll drink another before then....
The only thing pirate about this is the fact they stole my money and gave me bilge water. The only good thing I can say about this one is that the bottle is different.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 99 - Karma Ale
I was going to get right to the point since it's Mothers Day, but to be honest, this one has me a bit confused. I kind of liked it at first, but the more I drink and take time in between, it loses me. I get the same effect typically from Belgian beers, and low and behold, a trip to their website to get the ABV shows it is brewed in Begian style. Alas, the only karma I'm getting is not good.....
Full Name: Karma Ale
Brewed by: Avery Brewing Co
From: Boulder CO
ABV: 5.2%
If you like this genre, this one is a good copy. If you're like me and don't, I'd give it a miss.
I added more to my pipeline today, including what hopefully will be a good one for my 100th......
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Day 98 - Geary's HSA
So, it's saturday night, and I got peops to see, places to be. Well ok, no I don't, but I'm still going to keep this one short..... 
This one works. Nice golden bronze color, strong malt undertones with a nice dry finish. Basically just a good drinking beer. You know, I just thought of a new way to measure beers - how far into the blog they make it before they are finished. The more I dislike the beer, the longer it lasts. This one is almost gone, and I could easily have another, except I don't have one. Life is cruel sometimes... ;>)
Full Name: Geary's HSA
Brewed By: Geary Brewing Co
From: Portland ME
ABV: (unknown - not on bottle or website, guessing 5+%)
So, HSA stands for Hampshire Special Ale. I'm not sure I'd go that far, but it has the sweetness that palies lack, which is a good change of pace. I'm having smoked salmon for dinner, which this one probably would have complimented, if there were any left...
BTW, no one notice my backdrop last night..sniff, sniff...

This one works. Nice golden bronze color, strong malt undertones with a nice dry finish. Basically just a good drinking beer. You know, I just thought of a new way to measure beers - how far into the blog they make it before they are finished. The more I dislike the beer, the longer it lasts. This one is almost gone, and I could easily have another, except I don't have one. Life is cruel sometimes... ;>)
Full Name: Geary's HSA
Brewed By: Geary Brewing Co
From: Portland ME
ABV: (unknown - not on bottle or website, guessing 5+%)
So, HSA stands for Hampshire Special Ale. I'm not sure I'd go that far, but it has the sweetness that palies lack, which is a good change of pace. I'm having smoked salmon for dinner, which this one probably would have complimented, if there were any left...
BTW, no one notice my backdrop last night..sniff, sniff...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Day 97 - Mad Hatter

After last night's alcoholic affront, I went as safe as I had left in my pipeline, with a palie. While a slightly less hoppy citrusness keeps me from getting really excited, it is quite relaxing, and probably a good choice to unwind with.
A pleasant warm sunset color, nice dryness and fades to a smooth finish, just a good beer.
Full Name: Mad Hatter India Pale Ale
Brewed By: New Holland Brewing Co
From: Holland MI
ABV: 5.25%
No more to say, go relax and enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day 96 part deux - Four Loko
In my wildest dreams, I never thought that I would taste anything worse than the passion fruit beer, and certainly not in the near future. I couldn't have been more wrong.......
My daughter Liz talked me into buying one of these at the 7-11 when we were out getting gas for Ellie's car tonight so she didn't have to in the am (yes, I know, what a great husband....), and with a 12% ABV, I agreed. This is billed as a "premium malt beverage with artificial flavor" - being blue raspberry. Hope springing eternal, there was a part of me wishing this would wash the other beer taste away, now I wish with all my remaining tastebuds that I had it back. There are no words to describe the absolute, utter nastiness of this drink.
Full Name: Four Loko
Brewed by: Drink Four Brewing Co
From: La Crosse WI
ABV: 12%
Not even with the allure of 12% ABV can I make myself finish this. I may have made it half way, but no more. I'll post the pic tomorrow. I apologize in advance for this graphic, but the burp afterwards tastes far better than the actual swallow...
My daughter Liz talked me into buying one of these at the 7-11 when we were out getting gas for Ellie's car tonight so she didn't have to in the am (yes, I know, what a great husband....), and with a 12% ABV, I agreed. This is billed as a "premium malt beverage with artificial flavor" - being blue raspberry. Hope springing eternal, there was a part of me wishing this would wash the other beer taste away, now I wish with all my remaining tastebuds that I had it back. There are no words to describe the absolute, utter nastiness of this drink.
Full Name: Four Loko
Brewed by: Drink Four Brewing Co
From: La Crosse WI
ABV: 12%
Not even with the allure of 12% ABV can I make myself finish this. I may have made it half way, but no more. I'll post the pic tomorrow. I apologize in advance for this graphic, but the burp afterwards tastes far better than the actual swallow...
Day 96 - Wailua
There have been a few occasions where I drank a beer and it was such an affront to my sense of rightness that I just had to go to another to write the blog. I really should have known this was going to happen, I mean, passion fruit in beer???? And have no doubt, you can taste the passion fruit, which has a very tart/bitter taste, and it does not, repeat, DOES NOT, go well with beer. There was no way I could not put this one in the blog, if only to prevent anyone who reads this from the suffering I am putting my tastebuds through now.
The label says it is a "Limited Release". Seriously, they should have just taken the next step and put air in the bottle and labeled it "No Release".....
Full Name: Wailua Wheat Ale Brewed with Passion Fruit
Brewed by: Kona Brewing
From: Portsmouth NH (via main HQ in HI)
ABV: 5.4%
The name should have been Wailuwill, because you will definitely wail if you take a mouthful of this. Ok, there is probably someone, somewhere, who might actually like this, and my mouth must now be numb, as I am almost done and I can't taste anything anymore... ;>)
Needless to say, my favs remain unchallenged!
The label says it is a "Limited Release". Seriously, they should have just taken the next step and put air in the bottle and labeled it "No Release".....

Full Name: Wailua Wheat Ale Brewed with Passion Fruit
Brewed by: Kona Brewing
From: Portsmouth NH (via main HQ in HI)
ABV: 5.4%
The name should have been Wailuwill, because you will definitely wail if you take a mouthful of this. Ok, there is probably someone, somewhere, who might actually like this, and my mouth must now be numb, as I am almost done and I can't taste anything anymore... ;>)
Needless to say, my favs remain unchallenged!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 95 - Blackened Vodoo

Sometimes, it seems that brewers put the time/effort into creating a cool name/label for their product, and then neglect the actual product..a sad thing.
One of these days I will actually start reading labels, because whenever a beer is brewed by one company for another, it seems to end up on the low end of the rating scale. Then again, you can't go rafting without bruising your butt on a few rocks, and in truth, this is more just a splash in the face.
Full Name: Blackened Vodoo Lager
Brewed by: Joseph Huber Brewing Co for Dixie Brewing Company
From: Monroe WI for New Orleans LA
ABV: 5%
So, this tastes like a weak porter, and actually is more smoky quartz in color than black. It is relatively easy to drink, but then so is water. One of these days, I need to count up the beers that clearly are meant to be drunk by people who only want to look cool, not actually drink beer with real flavor.....Admittedly, it does get style points for the label at least.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Day 94 - Centennial IPA
Being one of "those" days, I could use a good beer, which is why I picked a palie, as my chances were better than fair there...
Ahhhhhh, this one didn't disappoint. The color was a burnished bronze, but a bit cloudy, so it was with a bit of trepidation than I downed the shot. Luckily, that dry, grapefruit flavor was there to tantilize my tastebuds, without overpowering, and drifted off to a nice finish so that I was ready for the next mouthful (I was going to put sip, but seriously, what honest beer drinker "sips" beer... ;>) )
Full Name: Centennial IPA
Brewed by: Founders Brewing Company
From: Grand Rapids, MI
ABV: 7.2% (quite respectable!)
So, this is a nice little IPA, and definitely more drinkable than most regular beers, but in the palie world, it is kind of like the girl next door. A friend perhaps, pleasant enough for conversation, but not going to to get the "most popular" in the yearbook....
My favs remain unchanged: Singha, Lion Lager, Hazed and Infused
Alas, I have consumed my last H&I, and must restock!
Ahhhhhh, this one didn't disappoint. The color was a burnished bronze, but a bit cloudy, so it was with a bit of trepidation than I downed the shot. Luckily, that dry, grapefruit flavor was there to tantilize my tastebuds, without overpowering, and drifted off to a nice finish so that I was ready for the next mouthful (I was going to put sip, but seriously, what honest beer drinker "sips" beer... ;>) )

Full Name: Centennial IPA
Brewed by: Founders Brewing Company
From: Grand Rapids, MI
ABV: 7.2% (quite respectable!)
So, this is a nice little IPA, and definitely more drinkable than most regular beers, but in the palie world, it is kind of like the girl next door. A friend perhaps, pleasant enough for conversation, but not going to to get the "most popular" in the yearbook....
My favs remain unchanged: Singha, Lion Lager, Hazed and Infused
Alas, I have consumed my last H&I, and must restock!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Day 93 - Double White
So, the description of this one at the store talked of orange and spice, so I was confident that I could rally my righteous feelings of dislike for wheats and be safe. Some may consider it a waste to intentially drink beer that I most likely will not approve of, but where is the sport in not?
I can actually feel my tongue swelling in my mouth in disgust. True to form is the sweet base with spice-flavor better served in a good pumkin pie than in beer......

Full Name: Southampton Publik House Double White
Brewed By: Southampton Bottling
From: La Crosse, WI
ABV: 6.8%
I must admit, it will start to get more and more tricky finding different beers from different brewers, though there are plenty left to try as long as I go the route of trying a number from the same brewer. Since I have already set the precedent, I'm ok with it, but will still strive to find new brewers. I managed for this week, and probably could a few more if I up my price range from less than $2.50 to $4 a bottle. I may even go in search of another source, as that too would be an honorable quest.....
I can actually feel my tongue swelling in my mouth in disgust. True to form is the sweet base with spice-flavor better served in a good pumkin pie than in beer......

Full Name: Southampton Publik House Double White
Brewed By: Southampton Bottling
From: La Crosse, WI
ABV: 6.8%
I must admit, it will start to get more and more tricky finding different beers from different brewers, though there are plenty left to try as long as I go the route of trying a number from the same brewer. Since I have already set the precedent, I'm ok with it, but will still strive to find new brewers. I managed for this week, and probably could a few more if I up my price range from less than $2.50 to $4 a bottle. I may even go in search of another source, as that too would be an honorable quest.....
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day 92 - Foster's Premium Ale
So, we did manage to head into the mountains of southwestern VA yearterday afternoon, and thus left the world of internet connections and cable TV for a day. We had a great time with the whole Proc family, plus Mary's sister Peggy and husband Rich. I even got in a little fishing, not just measured in time, but in length of fish (maybe as long as my pinkie mainly, but hey, it was fishing!)
Full Name: Foster's Premium Ale
Brewed By: Oil Can Breweries
From: Albany GA or FT Worth TX
ABV: 5.5%
Since a beer blog should actually include some comment on the beer, here goes. Sadly, we got back a bit late in the afternoon, and we stopped at the grocery on the way to pick up Chinese take out for dinner (which was pretty decent...) and the options were limited, so since this one was 25.4 oz, I figured it would cover 2 days, at least in volume. Alas, it didn't cover it in real taste, and as the label says it is an ale with caramel colored added, it didn't wow there either. Sadly, I didn't read the can beforehand, and I mistakenly thought this came from Australia, but no, it is brewed in the US under the "supervision" of Fosters of Oz. Pffffft.........
So, off to Total Wine tomorrow to replenish both my stock and my faith in good beer!

Full Name: Foster's Premium Ale
Brewed By: Oil Can Breweries
From: Albany GA or FT Worth TX
ABV: 5.5%
Since a beer blog should actually include some comment on the beer, here goes. Sadly, we got back a bit late in the afternoon, and we stopped at the grocery on the way to pick up Chinese take out for dinner (which was pretty decent...) and the options were limited, so since this one was 25.4 oz, I figured it would cover 2 days, at least in volume. Alas, it didn't cover it in real taste, and as the label says it is an ale with caramel colored added, it didn't wow there either. Sadly, I didn't read the can beforehand, and I mistakenly thought this came from Australia, but no, it is brewed in the US under the "supervision" of Fosters of Oz. Pffffft.........
So, off to Total Wine tomorrow to replenish both my stock and my faith in good beer!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Day 91 - Postponed...
Well, it had to happen..
I had the choice to either start drinking before noon, or wait until tomorrow to post this one, as we're off to the mtns of VA this afternoon and coming back tomorrow, and I'm guessing no internet...
I had the choice to either start drinking before noon, or wait until tomorrow to post this one, as we're off to the mtns of VA this afternoon and coming back tomorrow, and I'm guessing no internet...
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