Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 304 - Henninger

At least it is 16oz and not in a green bottle..... Ok, so why I would even consider an imported can with Premium so prominent on the label, even though it was the cheapest in this weeks pipeline, is just crazy. Hum, maybe the price should have been a clue as well...

Sadly, the color of dog pee on snow and a taste reminiscent of Old Mil or maybe Schlitz, and you get the picture.


Full Name: Henninger Premium Bier
Brewed by: Henninger-Brau
From: Germany
ABV: 4.8%

So, the picture that comes to mind is german college males standing around chugging a few of these babies down. I mean, if it is $1.29/can here, it must be like a quarter a can there, making it the perfect cheap drink (other than the slightly low ABV, which can be made up for in volume only the youth can sustain...) Of course, that assumes they actually drink this there, rather than export it all to us, who are stupid enough to buy it.

Ah well, I saw quite a few winter ales hitting the shelves, so hopefully this next month should be full of good beer. Along with that, I am discussing with my dad and brothers how to best accomplish "whisky of the week" starting in Jan, which will focus on single malts. It means a month of overlap, but hey, I can make that sacrifice... ;>)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 303 - Efes

Alright, back on track tonight, and going foreign and light. Yes, that means my pipeline is also now empty and I will need to go refill tomorrow.

So, classic imported green bottle, almost white color, and just a hint of the normal dry, bitterness so common in this type. At least I get to cross off another country....


Full name: Efes Pilsner
Brewed By: Efes Brewery
From: Istanbul Turkey
ABV: 5%

Tricksey they are, hiding the word Premium by embossing it on the glass and not the label itself. Of course, that really went without saying. Not to be sexest here, but the narrow bottle and mild-side taste would be well suited for the female gender or for small-handed males with tempermental constitutions...

Could keep some on hand just to say I have a Turkish beer, to then distract away from my good palies. Hum, not a bad idea.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 302 - Oops...

Ok, what is more lame, just plain forgetting, or getting so engrossed in a game of StarCraft that I neglect to do my blog (or even have a beer...) I'm even back-dating this note.

That is, of course, a rhetorical question... ;>)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 301 - Wassail

Hum, ok, seriously, I really have to pay attention, or start finding some memory-enhancing pharmas....

I haven't had much luck with this brewer either, and after 4 attempts, have hopefully had my last. the color of imperial topaz, and the taste like water strained through mulched leaves and grass clippings. sigh, two ew's in a row, and we're not talking sheep here...


Full Name: Wassail (clever play on name for seasonal)
Brewed By: Full Sail Brewing
From: Ft Hood WA
ABV: 7%

So, a quiet saturday night of drinking less than high quality beer. Ah well, if they all were great, I might be more inclined to increase consumption, and I'm already threatening the last notch on my belt buckle after 300 days of this.

Thanksgiving resolution, exercise more, so I can keep drinking.....;>)


Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 300 - Dundee India Pale Ale

Ok, I'm back dating this, and actually wish I could take a mulligan on this beer, so much so, I'm not bothering to put a picture up.

I don't think I've had a good one yet from this brewer, and this was my last try that is for sure. It just doens't taste good.


Full Name: Dundee India Pale Ale
Brewed By: Dundee Brewing Co
From: Rochester NY
ABV: not on bottle, and seriously even if it were 10%, not worth drinking

Good news is, at least it is saturday night and I can have a 2nd to rinse away the taste of this one... Missed last night as we had aunts/uncles over for dinner and went to Harry Potter and got back after my bedtime (9pm... ;>) )

On to the next!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 299 - Simcoe IPA

I am so full..... ;>)

Ok, maybe breaking out the big gun after the "Big Meal" is not the smartest, but then, neither is eating 10 lbs of turkey, potatos, stuffing etc etc etc, but then again, if you are already committed to excess, then might as well stick with that theme.

A 25 oz bottle, cloudy fiery sunset color and a taste akin to eating the hops right off the vine. You better like it bitter to drink this one, and while delicious, definitely is on the wild side and not to be drunk in quantity as it is quite filling (well, that could also be the after affects of consumption noted above...)


Full Name: Simcoe IPA
Brewed By: Weyerbacher Brewing Co
From: Easton PA
ABV: 9%

There might be malt in this to ferment into alcohol, but that is its sole purpose. This one is all about the hops from start to finish. Sigh, man I love good IPAs....

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, and have that something to be thankful for. This beer a day aside, which by itself would be enough, my list is long and I won't bore you. Ok, I normally would, but I'm just plain tuckered out and can't type anymore.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

day 298 - Grand Cru Winter Reserve

Sadly, my propensity for not reading the label too closely has led to another tough night of slogging through the blog, as indeed, a Belgian-style ale is in my hand and tormenting my taste buds...

A pleasant glowing yellow color is the best thing about this beer, because at some point, you have to stop looking and start drinking. Then, that funky spice, no hops flavor racks the mouth and like, yuck-ola.


Full Name: Grand Cru Winter Reserve
Brewed By: Flying Fish Brewing Co
From: Cherry Hill NJ
ABV: 7.2%

On the bright side, tomorrow is a holiday, and I have better beers in the fridge, and thus can justify having a second tonight to wash away this one. Sometimes, that is the price I pay for such dedication... ;>)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 297 - Raison D'Etre

The risks I take just amaze me sometime. So Cullen is home for Thanksgiving, and drinks my 60-minute IPA from this brewer, leaving me with this one. Per the label, it is brewed with Belgian beer sugars, green raisins and a sense of purpose. Hum, me thinketh they should have substituted all 3 for real ingredients...

A rootbeer brown, and unsurprisingly, dominatingly sweet flavor. You gotta like creativity in brewing, but this was a recipe for disaster in my opinion, which of course they didn't ask for...


Full Name: Raison D'Etre
Brewed by: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
From: Milton DE
ABV: 8%

Well, on the bright side, this one is now out of the way, and there are no more of this style in the pipeline for the next week, so things are looking up, as I look up into an empty bottle.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 296 - Old Thumper

"A Beast of a Beer" per the label, with a pic of a mean looking wild boar. Not sure I'd go that far, but it is a classic English ale.

A light brownish yellow pour, with an earthy aroma and dry, malty taste. Another beer for sitting around a fire in a wool sweater, if one were so inclined. A modest ABV means it would take a few before I would get to that point...


Full name: Old Thumper
Brewed By: Ringwood Brewery (owned by Shipyard)
From: Portland ME
ABV: 5.6%

Dinner tonight was at Outback, celebrating Liz getting a job at her favorite clothing store, and getting her tonsils out tomorrow. May have to pull out the video camera the next few days, as she can get funny on painkillers... The added bonus tonight was our old friend Carol came by since she was in the area visiting her folks. Luckily, she didn't tell too many stories about our college days in front of Liz, who is almost as bad as posting something on Facebook. I just couldn't bring myself to blog about the Michelob Ultra I had there, that at $1.95, was less expensive that many of my regular blog beers...


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 295 - Bards

Was refilling the pipeline today, and picked this one as I hadn't tried this one before, and figured I'd see if they were making a decent gluten-free beer yet that Ellie could drink.

It has the right deep yellow color, but sorghum just has a different taste that is hard to hide, almost kin to pine sap. It isn't overpowering, but the mouth expects something different coming from a brown bottle, so perhaps that adds to the lack of excitement. Ellie wasn't thrilled with it either, so I guess that quest will continue.


Full Name: Bard's
Brewed by: Bard's Beeer Co
From: Utica NY
ABV: unknown, not on bottle or website

So the weekend ends quietly, though miraculously, the Skins won today, so perhaps that used up all the good karma.... I picked up what I hope is a really good palie for turkeyday, in large bottle that might be shared with Cullen and dad. Until then....


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 294 - St Boisterous

So wanted to get this in before we went out for the evening, as Liz is having her 18th Bday party and we aren't invited... However, since Ellie and are are old, we'll be back by 10....

A seasonal, but thankfully lacking any funky spices, so drinks like an ale, with malt as the driving taste. Actually, a tasty beer all in all, and good on a cold night. Keep a few of these on hand, but only give them to true beeretics.


Full Name: St Boisterous Hellerbock (really a lager beer)
Brewed By: Victory Brewing Co
From: Downington PA
ABV: 7.3%

I'll try and remember to post a pic of this tomorrow, but hey it's me, so it may or may not happen. Depends on if we survive getting home tonight, or more to the point, if the house and it's contents survive... This time next year, our beloved daughter will be at college somewhere, a thought both sad and joyous... ;>)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 293 - 33 Export

After some fine dining at Taco Bell, and by fine I mean cheap, easy and filling if not satisfying (but hey Ellie picked it and who am I to deny her that right...), home I am on another friday night, sitting here drinking a beer and typing away.
A typical SEA beer. Pale yellow in color, no real aroma, and while I know it isn't water, it might as well be. You could almost drink it like water, and not sure which would win, the bloated feeling you get when you drink too much liquid, or the alcohol.
Full Name: "33" Export
Brewed By: VBL Ten Gang Ltd
From: Vietnam (big long address on bottle..)
ABV: 4.5%
Not much more to say on this one. It is easy to drink, and probably would be accepted by the masses, so it you want to serve something different that isn't (like a number of other beers that have come before), put this one in your cart.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 292 - DPA

Ah Thursday, and the 4th from this brewer. Hum, the 4th day of the week as well, coincidence? Am I working off some great karmatic plan? Well; only if that plan involves a choice of 3 and this was the closest to my hand whenI reached in...

Cheerful sunset color, and pleasing if not hopped out aroma. The taste is best described as nice, like that girl your mom sets you up with in middle school...


Full Name: Denver Pale Ale
Brewed By: Great Divide Brewing Co
From: Denver Co
ABV: 5.4%

A good beer to have around just because it is easy to drink, but doesn't overwhelm and thus could appeal to a broad consumer pool. While you might drink your wild oats with more flavorful brews, you might marry this one when you want to settle down....


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 291 - Leviathan

Some might drink this and say "I'm not worthy", and they would be right. I, however, am most worthy, and feel justly deserved in enjoying this awesome brew.

I won't cheapen it by tying to put it into words either. You'll just have to go try one yourself. Hum, on second thought, you best call ahead first, as I might have bought up all available...;>)


Full name: Harpoon Leviathan Imperial IPA
Brewed By: Harpoon Brewery
From: Boston, MA
ABV: 10% (that is what I'm talking about baby!)

So the question begs, does it replace any in my top 3. I don't think so, as it is in a class by itself. This one is not meant to be part of a triumvirate, but king. Hail Caesar!

(ok, a bit over the top tonight, but it is dang good, and I had a good day talking to new prospects, so deal...)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 290 - Steigl Beer

So, a relatively quiet Tuesday night after a rainy day, and just grabbed the first one in the fridge. Hum, green bottle, imported from Europe, and in tiny font "premium" on the label...

Blaise yellow, but a somewhat twist, as there is a slight sweet undertone descernable under the regular bitter-dryness I find both common and boring in these beers.


Full Name: Salzburger Steigl Beer
Brewed By: Steigl Brewery
From: Salzburg Austria
ABV: Not on bottle, who cares

Ok, it's drinkable but that is as far as that goes. I guess it would be really good sitting at some chalet looking out over the Alps, but then many beers would benefit from that...;>) I actually got this one in honor of our good friend Adam Galambos, who is now working over in Austria. He better read this and bring me some good beers when he comes back to visit....


Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 289 - Pike IPA

Ah, Liz turns 18 today, so I pulled out the big gun. Literally, 22 oz of delicious IPA. Alas, Cullen came up from Cville to surprise his sister, so there went 50%...

Great orange color, classic palie aroma, and darn good taste.


Full Name: Pike IPA
Brewed by: The Pike Brewing Co
From: Seattle WA
ABV: 6.3%

Sadly, this has to be quick as I am pressured to now take everyone out to dinner. This beer is good, but a tad on the pricy side - almost $4 a bottle. Still, it is better than what i will pay at the restaurant...

Cheers, and may i find enough drink to numb the fact my daughter is 18...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 288 - Howl

A good day, walking 7+/- miles on the Cross County Trail with some old fraternity brothers and a few of their friends ending at a local bar for some electrolyte replenishment in the form of Rolling Rocks. Tolerable, but not worth blogging about. The beer that is, not the company...;>)

An eye-catching label, dark brown pour and heavy roasted malt taste put this one in the "flavorful but not my favorite" category.


Full name: Howl Winter Seasonal
Brewed by: Magic Hat Brewing Co
From: Burlington VT
ABV: 4.6%

Perhaps another good beer to add to the pot for pot roast, but as we are having some asian dish tonight, I'm obligated to finish the bottle. At least I can do that without a big push, unlike a few others I have had. Lots of new seasonals appearing on the shelves, so will probably see a few of those popping up regularly over the next month or so.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 287 - 1845

Another English ale "bottle conditioned", and the last of my current pipeline which means another trip to the store tomorrow. That will be after a morning hike with some old fraternity brothers that culminates in, guess what, a beer... ;>)

The color of dark amber, and the earthy taste that conjurs thoughts of old pubs with roaring fires in stone fireplaces blackened by soot. Actually, this one kind of makes me want a good single malt, preferably high on the peat. Hum, it is saturday.


Full name: Fullers 1845
Brewed By: Fuller, Smith and Turner PLC
From: England
ABV: 6.3%

These aren't my favorite, but there is something just warm and cuddily about these beers that make them worht drinking on occasion. I think I prefer the ESP to this one, as this one has a bit more sweetness underneath.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 286 - Dos Equis

Ok, not exactly an unknown here, but one can hardly go into a Mexican restaurant and not have had one of these, and while is it "lager especial", at least it isn't premium...
Once upon a time, this would have been appreciated, but now I just find it boring. The color is barely past clear, and while it is above the water I had last saturday night, not by much. It isn't bad, just doesn't have much taste, but then, paired with some spicy Mex food, that is probably the point.

Full Name: Dos Equis XX
Brewed By: (some long unpronouncable company, see below)
From: Mexico
ABV: not on label, at best 5%

Kind of yawnsville for a friday night, but then Ellie and I were out and about until late (ie 9 pm...) so I didn't really want to crack the last other one in the pipeline which is a 20 oz English ale, and this was in the fridge. No plans for tomorrow night, so will at least have a potential decent beer then....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 285 - Wild Goose IPA

Ah Thursday night, and not all of us get to start our weekend early like the Procs (or at least Mary...), so we have to content ourselves with small outlets of simple pleasure. I even had to miss a happy hour with old coworkers because the timing didn't work. I think I will have a beer....;>)

Sadly, the wild goose is just a lame duck. The golden color is pleasant enough, but the best description I can come up with is that it should have been in a green imported bottle with the word "premium" on it......


Full Name: Wild Goose IPA
Brewed By: Wild Goose Brewery
From: Frederick MD
ABV: 6%

Truly depressing, to find a new palie that falls flat like this, and so close to home. I mean, if it was drinkable, I am only an hour or so away from the brewery, and how good would that have been? Perhaps someone out there just was looking after my interests and didn't want to provide that kind of temptation, given I am weak...

Ah well, the search continues, and the blog will go on, and well, tomorrow is friday so what the heck.

cheers (with this one all you want ;>) )

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 284 - Prohibition Ale

This one is in the upper price range, and I'm sure the painted bottle adds to that. It better be good because it is wednesday, and the weekend is still far away...

A bright orange/brown color, fresh earthy aroma, so far, so good. Oops, somehow the bottle is already empty... Um, if my memory serves me, which ok, is not always a given nowadays, this one had a very tasty dry malt taste. It's not a palie, but dang, it is easy to drink and has flavor. Most excellent.
Full Name: Prohibition Ale
Brewed By: Speakeasy Beer and Ales
From: San Fran, CA
ABV: 6.1%
You know, if this brewer was serious about prohibition and not condoning that people drink, they would not make such a palate-pleasing beer. Hum, perhaps that was their true intent... I could curse that I am weak, but then, we all have our faults... ;>)
I think this one bumps the Lion Lager from my favs, and joins Hazed and Infused and Singha at the top of the beer chain.
Cheers! (but not this one, I claim it as my own)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 283 - Festie

There is not much good about Tuesdays in general, and while I have a palie in the pipeline, I took a risk and went with a seasonal instead. While the label claims "the gift of great beer", I think more appropriate would be the Forrest Gump saying "life is like a box of chocolates", and I just got the jelly-filled one...
So, a nice label, and actually decent orange glow in the glass, but then you drink it and the warm fuzzies quickly turn to cold shakes. No hops to speak of, and a tinny sweetness that makes me glad the taste fades quickly.
Full Name: Festie
Brewed By: Starr Hill Brewery
From: Crozet VA
ABV: not on label, not worth spending the time to find it...
Ah well, if it weren't for the duds, the experience of the tasty ones wouldn't be as great. I'd almost put this one with the ill-fated vanilla beer, or at least on par with any of the fruited beers. If it were summer, I'd put this in the garden to kill slugs....
Cheers (but not with this one...)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 282 - Hop Karma Brown Ale

There are days you wish would never end, which go by in a flash, and there are days you wish were a long past memory, that last forever. Either way, every day comes and goes, and for me, and this year in particular, each mostly ends with a beer. No matter what kind of day it is, all are truly blessed, some just more than others, depending on the hops level...

So, the 3rd by this brewer, and pours a deep brilliant brown color with an enticing aroma of malt and hops. Given the name, I was hoping that the hops would be the dominant dance partner, but a malty sweetness leads here. It's not going to break my top favs, but it's not leaving me with bruised toes either.


Full Name: Hop Karma Brown Ale
Brewed By: Terrapin Beer Company
From: Athens GA
ABV: 6%

This brewer supplies a very good and consistent product acrosss their whole line it seems. If you like your beers dark and sweet, but on the light side (like a black lager, but more taste), this would be a good bet. My bottle is empty, and while I'm not shedding any tears, I am blinking a bit more than normal.... ;>)


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 281 - India Pale Ale

The 3rd by this brewer, though it has been a while since the last. I'd also add that while the Hoos did their usual break my heart yesterday (and to Duke no less, is there no right in this world...), at least the Redskins didn't, by way of having a bye this week....

Yep, I changed the subject, which of course means the beer did not wow me. It was decently orange, and had the hops dryness, but lacks real body and depth. That said, this is nector compared to last night's beer...


Full name: India Pale Ale (not very original...)
Brewed By: Avery Brewing Co
From: Boulder CO
ABV: 6.5%

To share part of my exciting life, Ellie and I spent most of yesterday working to deflea the house, from vacuuming everywhere, and washing/spraying bedding areas of the dog and 2 cats, and finally, the big finale, washing the dog. Today, we went to the farmers market, where we ordered a ham for Thanksgiving from our pork guy (it is really the best) and have been helping Elizabeth with college applications while working on updating finances. I even made a new business connection with a guy in the UK via skype.

Wow, it amazes me as I write it. I definitely earn my beer every day ;>)


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 280 - Miller Lite

Saturday night, and we were out with the Procs for dinner, and Dave, aka the Fiscal Gourmet, was excited to try the "Two for $20" deal at Chilli's. In keeping with that, we decided to accompany that fine cuisine with $1.99 16oz draft Miller Lites. Crazy, yes, insane, probably, but it does provide good blog fodder...

So, the canary yellow color of imitation banana food coloring, and basically no taste, we were calling them $2 waters. That's all I have to say about that.

After Chilli's we went to American Tap Room at Reston Town Center, where I had a really good beer, which I will save for a later post, and dessert, and we met a couple from NC, but not really, as they had moved there from PA about 5 years ago. We talked beer, kids, and southern living, and the guy had a great story about his mostly babtist coworkers praying for him over his use of profanity and drinking. I applauded his sacrifice and the gift he gave them to be able to do that....

So, as truly is the case, it isn't really about the beer or alcohol, but about good friends and good people. Of course, on nights when I am alone with my beer and blog, it is all about those first things... ;>)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 279 - Blonde Ale

Friday night, and the other two from this brewer had been decent, so was looking forward to a good beer.

Ok, this one kind of lives up to the stereotype of its name. It looks good, but lacks real substance...(hey, I din't make that up). A nice golden yellow color, faint sweet aroma, and the taste follows the same path. This beer isn't bad, but is definitely forgettable in my book.


Full Name: Mendocino Blonde Ale Seasonal
Brewed By: Mendocino Brewing Co
From: Saratoga Springs NY
ABV: 5%

Ok, the website says this is a summer ale, and I definitely get that you could sit there on a hot day and drink a few of these, and probably not even realize it from a taste perspective. Some might even go so far as calling that refreshing. I just call it yawnsville, and don't plan to include a stop there again.... ;>)

cheers, and have a good weekend!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 278 - Organic IPA

Ah, a freshly filled pipeline is like that moment in time just before football season starts, and both UVa and the Redskins are undefeated. So much hope and promise...

Not sure if this is my first organic or not, but hey, I figured it's a palie at least, so minimized the risk a bit. The pour leans towards the orange from yellow, but doesn't quite get to that glow that gets me excited, and the nose catches a hint of the hops to come, but nothing drastic, and the taste gets off on the right foot, but fades. It reminds me of when I try and jump, a lot of effort perhaps, but I still only get an inch off the ground....


Full Name: Bison Organic IPA
Brewed By: Bison Brewing
From: Ukiah CA
ABV: 6%

A decent enough beer, and if you buy a case, they'll buy you a carbon offset, so not only if you drink the whole case will you be doing the green thing, but you will be green.....

They don't list the exact hops used, only that they put in 4 types of malt and 3 hops. Personally, I think they could go a bit bolder and add some more hops, but hey, that just me.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 277 - Hens Tooth

Mid week, and the last of the pipeline, thus requiring another trip to the beer store tomorrow. Until then, an English ale awaits...

This one is conditioned in the bottle, and indeed there was sediment visable through the clear glass and thus it got poured into a mug (irregular, but hey, I am adaptable...). A fiery, sunset red color, with flowery aroma, my pinky went straight out when I hefted this to my mouth. A rather classic taste, heavy on the malts with a lingering dryness.


Full Name: Hen's Tooth
Brewed by: Morland Brewing
From: England
ABV: 6.5%

The thing about this style is that I am still trying to figure out if I like it or not. I mean, the thoughts it conjurs up is of wearing a sheeps-wool cardigan while sitting in front of a fire, and well, I don't wear sweaters. Still, there is something comforting and relaxing about it, even if it isn't an IPA. I suppose if you don't want to be caught wearing your Snuggie in public, drinking a bottle of this will give you the same feeling while still maintaining a semblance of testosterone in your veins....


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 276 - Pomegranate Wheat

After a good day at work, I was feeling a bit wild and crazy, so pulled this bad boy out. Actually, it really isn't either...

A pale yellow pour, underpowering aroma, and actually a clean fresh taste. No where is found the typical sicky sweetness of other fruited beers or the spiced wheats, and I think the pomegranate just adds a bit of tartness to the beer. Go figure, a frubee I can actually contemplate drinking more than one of without gagging.


Full Name: Saranac Pomegranate Wheat
Brewed By: Matt Brewing Co
From: Utica NY
ABV: 4.7%

So, a tad light on the ABV, but forgivable given it is actually drinkable. I don't think I have had many from this brewer, but will have to track down some more I think.


Monday, November 1, 2010

day 275 - Torpedo

After surviving the seasonals, I looked at the pipeline of 3 beers left, and the choices were this, an English ale and a Frubee. Pffft, not a hard one tonight, but tomorrow will be tougher...

The excitement grew as the pour was my favorite burnt orange and the hops aroma was nice and dry. Then the exquisite citrusy deliciousness was filling my tastebuds and another monday becomes successfully survived.


Full name: Torpedo Extra IPA
Brewed By: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co
From: Chico CA
ABV: 7.2%

given I had to look up the ABV on the website, I finally remembered to check the hops as well, the info of which happened to be right there. So, Magnum is the heavy lifter, found in the bittering, finishing and dry hopping processes. Then you have Crystal in the finishing and dry, and lastly Citra in the dry. Thus 3 different hops are used. For comparision (on a roll tonight...), Hazed & Infused uses Nugget, Williamette, Crystal and Centential, and the last two for dry hopping as well. Hoptical Illusion uses a "rare hops exclusively grown on a farm in Oregon", so no match there either. Hum, perhaps there is no real pattern, but perhaps I'll keep looking, or better yet, drinking... ;>)
