Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 247 - Black Boss Porter

I had been thinking that I owed dad a dedication, for no other reason than he just flat out deserves it for many reasons. So looking at the pipeline, this one just was appropriate, since I have called dad "boss" for many, many years. It also certainly has a unique personality, just like dad.... ;>)

A deep, clear brown and a very strong sweet aroma. Uh Oh... Fears realized, it drinks liked heavily roasted & malted sugar syrup with carbonation. I'm halfway through and my taste buds have rolled over and given up crying for uncle and now stoically accept their 22.9 oz fate.


Full Name: Black Boss Porter
Brewed By: Browar Witnica SA
From: Poland
ABV: 9.4%

IMHO, this is another great beer for pot roasting, or for those that like their beer sweet with a kick. Actually, dad has pretty much given up drinking beer, and scratches that itch with the occasional G&T or good whisky. While he doesn't win the Florence Nightingale award for bedside manner (it's true boss... ;>) ), his dedication, support and positive attitude was a bulwark for mom to hold onto for many months. Now, he has the tougher road to follow for a while, but he will get there, and if I know him, there will be a fishing rod involved.

Cheers dad!

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