Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 90 - Fordham Copperhead Ale

Hey Chris, you should have picked this one yesterday instead of Full Sail... ;>)

That said, it won't win gold medals in my book, but it is relatively easy to drink, with a nice malty background, and has a pleasing color. I'm a bit confused over the snake name mixed with the pic of the peacock, but come to think of it, perhaps that describes this beer perfectly. It treis to appeal to both the male and female, and ends up somewhere in the middle...


Full Name: Fordham Copperhead Ale
Brewed By: fordham Brewing Co
From: Dover DE
ABV: 4.7%

Hum, low alcohol content + middle of the road taste = none in my fridge going forward, though I would recommend it for those peops that again, like to look like they drink real beer, but dont...

Everyone (or anyone who actually reads this....) have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 89 - Full Sail

Well, so much for the streak of exceeding expectations...

The best thing about this beer was that I shared it with an old friend/fraternity brother, Chris Anderson, whose nickname was Beerman, who stopped by to talk beer.


Full Name: Full Sail Pale Ale
Brewed By: Full Sail Brewing
From: Hood River, OR
ABV: 5.4%

Perhaps the problem was starting off with a Hazed and Infused, and this one paled in comparision ( ;>) ), but we both agreed that it was kind of bland. I probably would pick it over a mass produced, but otherwise, I'd sail right on past this one....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 88 - Wittekirke

Tonight's main course is humble pie....

I bought this one with every expectation that I wouldn't like it, and eagerly planning to play the martyr. I mean, what Belgian wheat have I tried that I came even close to liking before? The only thing typical wheat about this beer is that is is almost milky cloudy, with just a faint hint of yellow. Darn it, I even have to admit I almost like it....curses.


Full Name: Wittekerke
Brewed By: Bavik
From: Harelbeke-Bavikhove, Belgium
ABV: 5%

It's really tough when I get myself all worked up to go one direction, and then have to switch gears like this. No, it doesn't have anything to do with the additional mass I have accumulated since beginning this endeavor, that's just a normal body reaction to the cold we've had.... In this case, this beer really probably would be best in the summer, as it tends towards light refreshment, but I see it's potential. Is it good enough to crack my top 3, no, but it does reinforce why I am doing this, and the fun of having to eat your ego and expectations.

If you like a nice, smooth very slightly sweet wheat with no bitterness or funky spice, this one is a very good option.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 87 - Cristal

Sometimes, even with low expectations, some beers can't exceed them. I hadn't had a beer from Peru, and to be honest, got this for that reason without a high expectation.

It's great to be wrong (and I know, as I am frequently.. ;>) ) This is actually a good beer, maybe even a very good beer, for a non-palie that is.... It is a very light yellow, and has a clean, crisp personality. I'm betting that some people would treat this like a Corona, and add a lime, but it is good just as is. It's not going to break up my top 3, but I'd definitely not be ashamed to have a six pack of these in my fridge, especially for good friends that maybe don't share my taste for hops.


Full Name: Cristal "Beer from the Andes"
Brewed By: Union De Cervecerias Peruanas Backus Y Johnston SAA
From: Lima, Peru
ABV: 5%

I took a break from US beers, and it worked out pretty good. I still have come up with a good reason for the seeming inequity in beer creation in the US, but it can wait. I mean I still have 270+ to go.... ;>)

Last thought, this one definitely wins the longest name for a brewer award.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 86 - Amish Four Grain

I'm thinking the link to Amish is tenuous at best here, but ignoring that, this is a very drinkable beer. A nice golden color, smooth malt flavor with a clean finish.


Full Name: Amish Four Grain Pale Ale
Brewed By: Lancaster Brewing Co
From: Wilkes-Barre PA
ABV: 5.3%

So, I was at the local beer supplier today to build pipeline, and couldn't help but notice that the vast majority of US beers available were from CA, VA, PA, MD, CO or OR, with only a very few from other states. I find this a bit curious, but it will take more than one beer to come up with a good reason for this (besides the obvious local ones).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 85 - Peter's Brand Classics

Tonight, it isn't about the beer really, mainly because I got back home this afternoon, and this was the only non-domestic/non-repeat I had left (note to self, go to beer store tomorrow...). I may get around to taking and posting a picture, but then, maybe not.

Actually, it is almost exactly like the Orangeboom of day 28. A "dutch-style" lager brewed in Germany - by the same company actually. Basically, same beer, different name....


Full Name: Peter's Brand Classics
Brewed by: Hofbrauhaus Wolters (under license from Union Export Brewery)
From: Braunschweig, Germany
ABV: 5%

I have to wonder who, I mean seriously, who, is the market for this beer? It is totally indistinguishable from most major domestics. After 3/4 of the can (16 oz, which isn't a real selling point in my book), the only thing I can think of is that people like to look like they are drinking a fancy import, but don't really want to have it taste different than what they are used to. Clearly, someone out there came up with this very clever marketing scheme to take advantage of this. Perhaps this is where the saying "a fool and his beer money are easily parted" came from...

2nd reminder to self, go to store tomorrow!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 84 - Hop Rod Rye

Back in Durham, but brother Ned is off taking his daughter Erin to check out a potential summer camp, so no camera again. The label is rather colorful at least....

Given the name, this one indeed leads and ends with hops, but has a less-than-subtle sweetness as well. The color is on the reddish side of apple cider.


Full Name: Hop Rod Rye
Brewed By: Bear Republic Brewing Co
From: Healdsburg CA
ABV: 8.0%

So, this one took a gold medal at the 2009 CA state fair. Hum, not sure I would go that far, either trans-continentally or beeritually (the attainment of that certain consciousness one attains whilst drinking good beer...), but it is ok. Perhaps it loses me with the sweetness, or perhaps I am tired. It has been a long week, but mom is doing better, and I have been able to spend time with my dad, brothers, a sister-in-law, a nephew and a niece, and that has been a gift in all of this.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 83 - Black Toad

It's friday, and after spending the late afternoon/evening helping my dad fix the automatic watering system at his home in Pinehurst, the first choice of beers for tonight's blog got consumed before I could start writing, so had to go to plan B.

So, a dark ale tonight it is. Unsurprisingly, it is very dark, and has a very roasted malty sweetness, and lacks any real hops flavor.....


Full Name: Black Toad
Brewed By: Black Toad Brewery Co
From: Chicago IL
ABV: 5.3%

This is another beer "ghost" brewed for Trader Joe's, according to the 'net. Ah well, if I had been thinking clearly, I would have had this first and the other 2nd, but hey, no one ever accused me of thinking to begin with... ;>)

No camera again tonight, should be back to brother Ned's tomorrow night, then maybe home on sunday.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 82 - Rigor Mortis

I'm back at my brother Ned's after a quick trip to Pinehurst, and this is one we picked out the other day to help fill the pipeline at his house.

This one is very complex, and it is taking a while to come up with the words to describe it, and I fear, will take even longer to actually drink the half of it I have (after sharing with Ned...). I think I will wait until after the specs to really get into it.


Full Name: Rigor Mortis Abt
Brewed by: Microbrasserie Dieu Du Cieli
From: Quebec Canada
ABV: 10.5%

Delay tactics are up....

heavy malty sweetness, like molasses mixed with rubber cement, a murky brown color.. ok, I give up, to quote Ned, it is the Salutatorian of summer school..;>)

the favs remain unchallenged: Lion Lager, Singha, Hazed and Infuzed

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 81 - Harpoon Summer Beer

The good news, this one is better than the banana beer last night. Alas, that is like setting the bar from an inch to a foot for a high jump contest...

Perhaps my mistake was attempting to drink a summer beer in the spring, but given I had a limited option at the moment, this was going to be inevitable anyway. What it lacks in distinctive flavor, it balances with a lack of color and aroma. Sure if you were so inclined, you could probably drink a fair number of these easily, but why?


Full Name: Harpoon Summer Beer
Brewed by: Harpoon Brewery
From: Boston MA
ABV: 5.0%

Actually, reading the label tells me that it is brewed in the kolsch style, which I believe I have recently expressed a only minor regard for. It's all good, because someone, somewhere, actually likes and drinks this style, thusly leaving the ones I prefer more readily available.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 80 - Banana Bread Beer

Sigh, sometimes "we" let our sensibility take a vacation for a short while, and sometimes it is obvious that it is more on a long sabatical....

Right then, banana flavored beer. I mean, it isn't like I couldn't see it coming given the label, that Now-and-Later taste. Not even the fact that this has alcohol in makes up for the plain fact it is nasty. At least some of the fruit ones I could maybe tolerate on a hot summer day, but unless you are baking beer bread maybe, I wouldn't be caught with this in the fridge.


Full Name: Banana Bread Beer
Brewed By: Wells and Young Brewing Co
From: Bedford, UK
ABV: 5.2%

Seriously, there is no use trying to rate this beer, except maybe as the 80th favorite out of the 80 I have had so far. I may even go out on a limb and project this to be last for many to come, and perhaps in the running for 365th... (although the vanilla beer that I actually declined to put in the blog was down there as well). Thus, this becomes a true testiment to my dedication to this effort, as it isn't about just finding the highes, but the lows as well. Best thing about this beer, it was only 11.2 oz, not a full 12..... :>)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 79 - Calico Amber Ale


Full Name: Calico Amber Ale
Brewed By: Ballast Point Brewing Company
From: San Diego CA
ABV: 5%


Label: (90) it has a fish......
Bottle: (50) standard brown pryoff
Color: (90) a deep golden red only achieved in nature via high quality hair dye...
Aroma: (75) pleasant, but not overpowering
Taste: (75) very drinkable, taste that starts strong and finishes well, setting you up for the next mouthful

This still won't challenge the favs, but is a tasty brew. No shame in serving this baby...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 78 - Hop Dam


Full Name: Hop Dam Triple IPA
Brewed By: Hoppin Frog Brewing Co
From: Ackron OH
ABV: 10%


Label: (70) very colorful, cool logo
Bottle: (80) 22 oz, combined with the ABV, very good
Color: (75) Sunset orange
Aroma: (80) very strong hops, quite nice
Taste: (50) mixed feelings on this one, good hops but just seems something missing.

Shared this one with my brother Ned, as I'm back in NC. Mom had to go back to the hospital, and is going through a rough time at the moment. We're all pulling for her, and hope this gets her back on the road forward again.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 77 - Simpler Times


Full Name: Simpler Times Lager
Brewed By: Minhas Craft Brewery
From: Monroe, Wisconsin
ABV: 6.2%


Label: (10) well, since aluminum can, none really, basic
Bottle: (10) not, it's a can....., but 10 points because it recycles
Color: (15)beer yellow.....
Taste: (30) it's beer.....

So, a very basic, simple beer. I'm sure this fills the coolers of many a beer-guzzling fisherman in the midwest, for those who want to look like they are drinking something different than a major domestic, but don't really want to be different but want the higher ABV than majors (which usually top out at 5%).

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 76 - Gaffel kolsh


Full Name: Gaffel kolsch
Brewed by: Gaffel Brewery
From: Cologne Germany
ABV: 4.8%

Rating scale (out of 100)

Label: (25) basic standard informational kind of thing
Bottle: (25) standard brown with pry off top
Color: (60) Sun-dried hay - quite soothing in a way
Taste: (50) Predictable, Euro-lager, bitter without flavor, though slightly less so

Total: 160 out of 400

Keeping this one real short, not because I have a life or anything, but it looks like a storm is coming and I don't want to not get my blog in if the power goes out... :>)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 75 - Hop Ottin IPA


Full Name: Hop Ottin IPA
Brewed by: Anderson Valley Brewing Company
From: Boonville CA
ABV: 7%

Label: Eye catching, colorful, outdoorsy, animals
Bottle: basic brown with pry off cap
Color: golden russet potato yellow
Taste: Very strong citrus hit

So, a new format for tonight. Hum, maybe I should add a rating scale for each. No the now.... This is a good palie, worthy of keeping a few around for general consumption, and ok to share with those that like good beer. Gotta like the ABV..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 74 - Fuller's ESB

Ah, a true classic Bristish ale. Dark marigold in color, subtle hops background complimenting a malty sweet base. It's not a palie, but extremely polished and a very tasty alternative. Almost like a comfort beer. This one would be worth having a few or 6 pack around for the times when you just want to relax, not really focus on your beer but still have flavor in the mix.


Full Name: Fuller's ESP
Brewed By: The Griffin Brewery
From: Britain
ABV: 5.9%

It claims to be the world's original ale, and the brewery going since 1654. I guess with that much practice, they should get it right. It's not giving my top 3 a real challenge, but of the 74 so far, it might be top 10. This one could easily wash down those not so delicious meat pies they eat over there..... ;>) (I don't think I have any Brits reading this.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 73 - #9

Gotta be quick tonight. Went to my first in person networking event, and made a couple of really good contacts, while drinking a couple of draft Yuenglings. Not a bad vocalizer lubricant, but then, I wasn't focused on the beer.

So this one is ok. It claims right on the label to be a "not quite pale ale", and they at least believe in truth in advertising.... It has a rather pleasant buttercup yellow color, and leans toward bitter rather than sweet, but lacks a strong hops character that makes a real palie.


Full Name: Magic Hat #9
Brewed By: Magic Hat Brewery
From: S. Burlington VT
ABV: 5.1%

So favs remain unchallenged, and the blog stays alive for another day, so all's good. I'm still waiting for a few good referrals. This isn't just a spectator sport you know... ;>)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 72 - Hell or High Watermelon Wheat

If you like a slightly sweet Jolly Rancher taste in your beer, this is perfection....

However, in my desire to keep an open palate, I seem to inflict serious pain on my beer drinking sensibilities. I mean, seriously, if apricot and blueberry and strawberry weren't crazy enough, why not add watermelon to the list, in a can no less. I'm pretty sure I can finish it, but only from a duty not to waste alcohol, and in all honesty, I have had worse.


Full Name: Hell or High Watermelon Wheat Beer
Brewed by: 21st Amendment Brewery
From: Cold Springs, MN
ABV: 4.9%

The good news is, I can recycle this aluminum can and hope that it gets recycled into a better life. I mean, it wasn't like it had a choice in being filled with this beer. I can't say that it will take a cold day in hell before I drink another of these. Actually, it might actually be good in an excessively hot climate, so maybe this is what they drink there......;>)

Still 3 favs: Lion Lager, Singha, Hazed and Infused.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 71 - Snapperhead IPA

So the day dawned clear and cool, and since we had received a notice from our neighborhood association that the pine tree that had fallen during the snow storm had to go, it was time. After cutting off all the limbs, and the trunk into manageable lengths, and removing the stump, and then, what the heck, move the dogwood from it's crowded place to these posh new digs (literally....), I barely had time, aka energy, to go out and fill the pipeline a bit, but no pain, no pain-killer! Good thing I only type with 2 fingers, the others can't move anyways ;>).

So, a canned palie, who knew. Actually it isn't half bad, and alot better than the porter recently consumed. It has both a strong hops aroma as well as the taste. You know, there are times when bottles are not practical, this would be a very good alternative.


Full Name: Snapperhead IPA Farmhouse Ale
Brewed By: Butternuts Beer and Ale
From: Garrattsville NY
ABV: 6.3%

So got this home, and put it in the freezer, then turned on the Masters, and forgot beer. It was a bit slushy by the time I remembered, but it thawed well. BTW, this one takes the award for most bizzare website.

This one is dedicated to my mom, who unfortunately took a side-step last night in the waltz of recovery. Hopefully she'll be back making forward progress and stamping on dad's feet again soon!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 70 - Gonzo

So, didn't get a chance to get to the beer store today, so had a choice of this or this, so I flipped a coin and got this.....

The last of my brother Ned's contributions to the cause, and another clear attempt to sway me to the dark side, but while this one may have won a gold medal at some beer world cup, it won't make it into one of my glass cups anytime soon.


Full Name: Gonzo Imperial Porter
Brewed By: Flying Dog Brewery
From: Denver Co and via special agmt - Fredrick MD
ABV: 7.8% (one redeeming feature perhaps)

My initial reaction was that someone had added a handful of hops and coffee grounds to a sweet, heavy red wine, and then left it to age open in the sun for a while. Yes, I know there are some out there that probably think this is a killer brew, and that the label is cool with a cowboy-hatted skeletor saying "ok, let's party", but they probably suffer from tendonitis of the pinky from holding it out too much....
Tomorrow, it's definitely a trip to the store, and hopefully to find a few more tasty beers. I still give props to my bro, for helping me make it through this week!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 69 - Lucky Kat

It's friday, and this was another Trader Joe's selection by ellie, so it'll be brief.

Actually, it a rather smooth palie, and drinkable if not remarkable. Another good choice if you are serving beers to non-beer drinkers, and want to look impressive while saving $.....


Full Name: Lucky Kat

Brewed By: Magic Hat Brewing Co

From: South Burlington VT

ABV: 5.8%
I definitely need to make a beer run, as I'm down to a few brother Ned donations. My daughter Liz gave me a book she found called "A Beer A Day - 365 beers to help you through the year", which looks to be a good source of options, as long as I can find them. Funny how kids pick up on things...;>)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 68 - Black Jack Porter

Another from the Ned collection, I think he is trying to convert me.....

I hate to admit it, but it is darn tasty. It has all the heavy roasted malt you would expect and want, but lacks the stickiness which I find limiting.


Full Name: Black Jack Porter
Brewed by: Left Hand Brewing Company
From: Longmont CO
ABV: 6.5%

Ok, this one won't replace any of my top 3, but then my fridge wouldn't be unhappy if a few of these found there way in to keep some of the others company until the days I want a little more malt flavor (went well with a beef dinner).

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 67 - Hopsecutioner

After last night's disapointment, I was looking for a winner, and given I had had another from this brewer earlier that was very tasty, took the easy road. Sometimes, easy is also best...

This one not only has a cool label, classic burnt orange color and fine aroma, it backs it up with great hops taste. No fruity sweet overtones, no chocolate or coffee hints, just pure, clean, refreshing yumness. I will have to go out and get another of these along with it's co-partner, and do a comparision before I can pick a fav, but either way I win. Per the website, it won the 2010 Gold Medal at the Atlantic city beer festival.

Full Name: Hopsecutioner India Pale Ale
Brewed Masterly By: Terrapin Beer Company
From: Athens GA
ABV: 7.2% (nice!)

So, would I move to Athens GA, sigh, probably not, but only because of the location, not the beer. I mean, GA over CO or NH, not in my book.....

This is another from the Ned collection, and another winner!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 66 - Kennebunkport IPA

Ellie picked this up for me at Trader Joes, and after a walk on a warm evening, my thirst gives it a different kind of leg up than what the dog was doing.....

All in, it's just an average palie at best. It has the requisite bitter bite, and a pleasant orange-coppery color, but comes up a little short after that. It reminds me of trying to play "Name That Tune" and only getting one note, which is frustrating at best. I'd drink this over a mass-p if I had the choice, but probably won't be filling my fridge with them.


Full Name: Kennebunkport IPA
Brewed By: Kennebunkport Brewing Company, Pugsly Brewing Co LLC
From: Portland ME
ABV: 6.1%

Still, props to the wife for picking out a new palie, it was worth the try. The question is, am I getting more selective as I drink more beers, and will I then turn out to be a beer snob when all is said and done. Good thing that I still have a long way to go to find out.... ;>)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 65 - Ola Dubh

I might as well answer this first, since I know everyone is in suspense. Ola Dubh means "Black Oil", and yep, it is exactly that. It is pitch black, very thick, and packs a powerful and complex flavor - akin to used motor oil meets Hersey chocolate bar.....

I'm thinking that anyone that actually likes this genre, would really appreciate this one. I'm ok with it, but picture it more for when I'm sitting around a fire in the darkness of a winter's evening, telling ghost stories or something. I could see having a few of these in the fridge for a special occasion. It's kind of growing on me, which in my opinion, is the sign of a good beer.


Full Name: Ola Dubh

Brewed By: Harviestoun Brewery

From: Scotland

ABV: 8% (respectable)

Admittedly, I was a bit dubious, given the airs it puts on. I mean, what self-respecting beer comes with a wine-like foil cover, plus a little tag. You got to give it props for maturing in Highland Park scotch casks, though I'm not sure what to think of putting the bottle # and date on it (bottle# 13643, dated Sept 2007). If this beer has sat warm in the bottle since 2007, and is this good, I'd really be tempted to find others from more recent and try them.

This is another from the Ned collection. Well done bro!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Day 64 - Hercules Double IPA

I realized driving back from NC today that there will probably be a day when I am not able to write my blog, for any number of reasons. To be honest, I am a bit tired this evening, and if my younger brother Ned hadn't given me a 6 pack of singles today (knowing my pipeline was thin, thanks bro!), it would have been tough to go out and get some more after I got home.

And I might have missed this one......

There is no subtlety in this beer. The citrusy hops flavor is very strong, and at 10% ABV, yahoo. I also get the impression of a strong malt in the finish. Maybe I'm just wiped, but my gut reaction is that I don't think I could drink too many of these at one time, though it is good.


Full Name: Hercules Double IPA
Brewed by: Great Divide Brewing Co
From: Denver CO
ABV: 10%

I think that this would be a better beer after a hard day's work (aka fishing...) and less tired. It definitely doesn't let you relax..... ;>)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 63 - Leinenkugels

The more beer I drink, the more I discover that life really is a balance. Certainly, if you drink enough, you might lose your balance, but that is a separate issue... ;>)

So late this afternoon, dad arranged another fishing trip to a private pond (maybe 7-8 acres in size, 4 or 6 properties bordering it), and off we went with Ellie. It was like fishing in a bath tub, almost a fish on every cast, and not really picky about which fly I used. Mostly large bluegills but a few bass as well. Total opposite of yesterday.

I should have seen this coming..... This is the pride of Chippewa Falls and has been brewed since 1867, but hum, I'd be tempted to find somethng else to boast about. It has taken me half a bottle to figure out the taste of this, but what comes to mind is those Pez candies, chalky sweet. Ah well, last nights palie was good.... Funny thing, I did have another beer right when I got back tonight which was good, but being a bit thirsty, drank it down and thus didn't have it available to blog on.


Full Name: Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat

Brewed By: Jacob Leinenkugels Brewery

From Chippewa Falls, WI

ABV: 4.9%

The top 3 are in no danger here. I'm not sure even a pure wheatnik would really like this, as it lacks the depth of a good wheat, but clearly the people of WI have supported this for a long time. I suppose the old saying "ignorance is bliss" has found it's home here..... ;>)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 62 - Harpoon IPA

Ah, deee-licious.

Yes, in full disclosure, this is my 2nd beer tonight, and I definitely went in the right order to end with this one for the blog. It really is just everything I look for in a beer - great taste and ease of drinkability. I'm thinking I've had this before, and will definitely have again. I don't think it will displace the Hazed on the tops list, but it's up there.


Full Name: Harpoon IPA

Brewed by: HArpoon Brewery

From: Boston MA / Windsor VT

ABV: 5.9% (not bad...)

So today I went fishing with my dad. That usually means what can go wrong will, and this trip was another classic. We get to the lake, wait in line, push the boat off the trailer, get in, start the engine and hum, the steering wheel is jammed full left so all we can do is go in circles. After 15-20 minutes of work, we fix that and off we go. We manage to catch more trees etc that fish over the next 3 hours(a very common occurance for us btw), but then when it is time to head back, the engine won't start. 20 mins later, we decide to try and use the trolling motor to go the mile or so back to the ramp. After going maybe 50 yards and deciding we need to get back before Y3k, I happen to reach across and turn the key and for some reason, it turns over. Back at the ramp, like 50 people in front of us have to get their boats out first, then we manage to put ours on the trailer wrong, but dad drives out of the water and away because he can't hear me commenting on this, so we have to wait back in line to put it back into the water to straighten it.

Overall, a great day, completed with an excellent beer!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 61 - Peroni

Gave up on US beers for a night, and with lasagna for dinner, what is better than an Italian beer?

Hum, a good Italian beer would have been nice. This is your standard European export brew, not unlike Heineken or Becks in my book. That is, bitter and dry, without discernable hops flavor. Ah well, at least it is different than what I have been having...


Full Name: Peroni Nastro Azzurro
Brewed by: Peroni Brewery
From: Italy somewhere
ABV: 4.7%

I'm sure I have had this sometime in my past, but not recently. I'm sure if I have one again 10 years from now, I'll probably say the same thing..... I'm sure there has to be a decent Italian beer out there, anyone had one?