Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 60 - Carolina Strawberry Ale

I can hear the girl comments already, and the truth is, this is the same brewery that failed at the palie the other day, so my hopes of a decent beer were pretty non-existent.....

Maybe it is because it was sunny and almost 80 today, or maybe after a couple of tough work days I am feeling like pounded meat, but I am going with my gut reaction that it actually exceeded my expectations. Not only that, I'd even take it one step further, that if you took out the strawberry, this might have been almost decent. Once you get over the breakfast cereal sweetness, there is a hint of honest ale.


Full Name: Carolina Strawberry Ale
Brewed By: Carolina Beer Company
From: Mooresville NC
ABV: 4.6%

Ok, two months in, and I am still learning/experimenting, with a long way to go, both in education and consumption (still approx 3,700 oz left at least.... Since it has been a while, I figure I'd remind anyone reading this that I'm open for recommendations, especially in the form of donations. ;>)

Favs still the same: Lion Lager, Singha, Hazed & Confused

Speaking of the last, I still have a 5 pack waiting for my return home. My mom is making progress, which is great (though not as fast as she wants, but this is not something that can be rushed). So, most likely I will head back to NoVa this weekend. Hum, will have to get there in time to fill the pipeline.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 59 - Fire Rock

Another one of those days where every rock you throw up in the air lands back on your head. Ok, some may quit after the first one, but I like throwing rocks....

So feeling sorry for my now sore and lumpy head, I went for the pale ale, of which I had a six pack. In a particular mood to be very methodical and not rush things (aka, quite thirsty and ok with having more than 1...), I gave this one room to impress. It tried to be big, but at best is a decent size foyer, nice enough to pass through on the way to a something better. A decent sandy beach color, with the minimum hops character, but then disappears.

Full Name: Fire Rock Pale Ale
Brewed By: Kona Brewery
From: Portsmouth NH (via Kona HI)
ABV: n/a
You know, another education I am getting from this is the fact that some beers appear to be from one location, but are actually brewed in another. I wouldn't have made a special trip to Hawaii for this one, though also wouldn't have turned one down. I'm not even sure if I can claim an Hawaiian beer for my list now....pffft
Oh well, I still have over 300 left to go.... ;>)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 58 - Chimay Ale

This one is relatively well known, and a classic, if not export version, example of the trappist style.

My favorite part - its 9% ABV. After that, in my probably blasphemous opinion, it has the sweat (oops typo, I mean sweet...) yet tangy taste of liquid strained through unwashed socks. No knock against the monks who make this, it most likely is very good and my taste poor. There is just something about this style that grabs my tonsils and tries to drag them down my throat as it goes by.


Full Name: Chimay Ale

Brewed by: Scourmont Abbey

From: Belgium

ABV: 9%

I must say, it has been a tough stretch of beers the last week or so, and my options down here in NC are somewhat limited (at least in acquiring singles, there are more options in 6 packs, so if need be, I will go that route)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 57 - Mothership Wit

Not only was the palie last night not worthy of putting in the blog, but it also reduced my pipeline, narrowing my choices. Using the age-old, eenie-meenie method on the last 4 options, I ended up with this wheat. sigh.

You know, I always have thought that wheats are summer beers, and have proven that to myself a few times now. When I close my eyes drinking this, I am certainly reminded on the smell of fresh cut grass, and perhaps a bit of the taste when you dump the lawnmover bag and the dust flies up in your face.... Overall though, it is a decent drink, and refreshingly light for a wheat, with no pretention or overspice.


Full Name: Mothership Wit

Brewed By: New Belguim Brewing

From: Fort Collins, CO

ABV: 4.8%

You know, this one actually grew on me a bit while drinking it. I don't think I will turn into a wheatnik (another "you heard it here first... ;>) ), but I would be tempted to keep a few of these in the frig for a hot day. The 22oz bottle is a plus, as anything that cuts down trips to fetch another round is good!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 56 - Saranac Black & Tan

I'm sure the concept of mixing a stout and a lager was born of a necessity, that is, there wasn't enough of one left to fill a beer mug, so in probably a drunken inspiration, or perhaps desperation, this combo was born. In my humble o though, the definitive one of these is half Guiness and half Harp, with the latter floating on the former.

Still, for the times you just don't feel like a full stout and can't get or make your own one of these, this particular one is pretty good. Deep dark color, very flavorful, yet doesn't taste watered down, just lighter, kind of like a black lager, but a bit drier.


Full Name: Saranac Black & Tan

Brewed by: Matt Brewing Company

From: Utica NY

ABV: 5.1%

So, the night actually started back at dinner time, when I cracked open a pale ale from a NC brewer. Very sadly to say, it was indeed a pale effort at an ale (a poor palie, just about brought tears...), and while I could have roasted it here, I decided to turn the other check so to speak, and move on. I actually have another type from the same brewer, so they will have a chance to redeem themselves, or not.....

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 55 - Lion Stout


I have seen this before, but had held off adding it to the pipeline given other alternatives. Since the options here in NC are somewhat more limited, it seemed like a perfect time to try it, especially given how much I enjoy their lager.

No doubt, it's a stout.... Stygian black, creamy pour, sahara dry finish after a face-slapping mix of honey and unsweetened chocolate. I'm thinking that if you are a fan of this genre, you would like it. I keep trying, and can almost get there, but there is just something about the sweetness that leaves me wishing for a palie.


Full Name: Lion Stout
Brewed By: Lion Brewery
From: Sri Lanka
ABV: 8% (very respectable)

After a break to get my mom some dessert, I think it's time to watch some b-ball. I had a recommendation to keep count of how many of these I'd actually drink again, which sounds like a good idea to start tomorrow...


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 54 - Low Down Brown

Hum, the label is colorful, and it has a kind of cutesy name, so I probaby should have anticipated a taste to match. Sadly, I didn't, though, since trying new beers is the raison d'etre here, I shalln't complain too much.

Well, that didn't last long.... Seriously, someone forgot one of the basic ingredients of beer is hops. This one is almost the equivalent of drinking carbonated malt juice, a uvula-wrenching tangy sweetness.


Full Name: Cottonwood Low Down Brown Ale

Brewed by: Carolina Beer Company

From: Mooresville NC

ABV: 5.4%

Not much more I can say about this one, nor do I feel like wasting e-trees.

Still the ones: Lion Lager, Singha, Hazed

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 53 - India Ale

Still in "big bottle" mode, but this one came from another outing this afternoon to replenish the supply (no, I'm not avoiding the wheat I had left, well, ok, yes I am.......)

I was thinking an India Ale would be more hops-heavy, but perhaps getting a bit of an education here, this English brew is a well-balanced effort. Sweet potato orange in color, hum, perhaps lightened with a sizeable dollup of butter, it has a solid personality. Full flavor of malt trailing into a dry finish. Quite a good choice overall, though not enough to deter my desire to move to CO.....


Full Name: Samuel Smith's India Ale
Brewed By: Samuel Smith Old Brewery
From: Tadcaster, N. Yorkshire, England
ABV: n/a

A little more education here, but IPAs were developed by the English to ship to India (a 3-4 month trip back in the day, ie late 18th to 19th century...), with the hops acting as a preservative. Who knew??? I mean, great flavor and no nasty disease is a good thing!

Same favs: Lion Lager, Singha, Hazed & Infused

I did get some additional interesting ones to hold me for another six-pack of days.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 52 - Kirin Ichiban

So, if you are paying close atention, you will notice that all the beers so far the last few days have been in "plus size" bottles. This is a result of sending dad/Ellie out to fill the pipeline, and the limited options at the local supplier. I only have one beer left after tonight, and that a scary spiced wheat, so will need to range out to replenish soon.

Back to the beer. Despite the fancy name, this one is brewed in the US by Anheuser-Busch (although under "strict supervison" by Kirrin, for what it's worth...). It's a pretty basic lager, drinkable in most situations, and overall quite plebian, but hey, 22 oz so that's a plus.


Well, not really worried about it here...

So, drink up, but don't count on being overwhelmed by flavor. I'm sure if you consume enough, the desired effect will be achieved, and add a few more on top of that, and the taste really doesn't matter....

Mom is letting me catch up on 24, after a good day of progress. By that I mean, my ability to vacuum the carpet, and wait on her hand and foot are improving... :>)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 51 - Red Stripe

You know, my beer consumption is influenced by many things: sometimes you drink beer to forget, sometimes you drink to remember, even if that means taste is not the top priority....

In this case, it is all about memories (well, that and the fact that Ellie went beer shopping with my dad the other day to fill my pipeline while I played the doting son and stayed home with mom, and she picked this one up knowing I hadn't blogged it yet..)

Admittedly, I had this one last fall when we went to a wedding in Jamaica (the Proc's daughter Sara). It is your basic lager, with a dry finish that gives it a bit of personality. Still, I don't so much taste the beer as remember the sun, water and great time. So, I wouldn't go so far as to recommend a trip to Jamaica just for this beer, but then, do you really need such an excuse?


Full Name: Red Stripe Jamaican Lager
Brewed by: Desnoes & Geddes Limited
From: Kingston, Jamaica
ABV: 4.93%

This is a safe bet for those who stay on the beer highway and don't like to go off-roading. It even is in a 24 oz bottle, so you don't have to stop for refills that often..... ;>)

Mom is doing well, making dad and I watch Dancing With The Stars.....ugh, probably should have been drinking the spiced wheat I have....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 50 - Rogue American Amber Ale

This is what you are supposed to get when you blend water, malt, hops (definitely hops..) and yeast! A very tasty brew, and in a 22 oz bottle as well. I don't get the rogue part though, since it doesn't rebel so much as conform to what a really good beer should aspire to be. It has the classic golden russet color, but why pour it into a clear glass when the painted bottle adds a cool factor.

I'd definitely drink this one if it was available, and my refrigerator would not be unhappy if a few of these happened to show up...


Full Name: Rogue American Amber ale
Brewed by: Rogue Ales
From: Newport OR
ABV: unpublished (why?)

Good beer, drunk whilst sitting here watching NCAA basketball. Not a good day for the ACC, though Duke looks like maybe they can take their game (to mixed feelings on my part..... ;>) )

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 49 - Fat Tire

Blogging from Pinehurst NC, having come down to help my parents when my mom came home from the hospital today. Great news, she is doing pretty darn good. Another bennie, my dad contributed the beers for the week... ;>)

So, an amber ale. It is amber, and it is an ale, I'll vouch for that. After that, while it is ok, it doesn't stand out. The malt doesn't add much body, and the hops is just kind of token, and the finish is kinda weak. Overall, it reminds me of one of those dinners you get at a banquet.


Full Name: Fat Tire Amber Ale
Brewed by: New Belgium Brewing
From: Ft Collins CO
ABV: 5.2 %

I admit it, the camera is working again, but then I would have had to make the effort to do that. I'll get back on track with that tomorrow, though I'll have to have a different background.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 48 - In-Heat Wheat

A real quick blog tonight, as I have to drive down to Durham NC and don't want to leave too late.

So, it was this or another canned import from Europe, and I'm thinking I made the wrong choice. This is a true wheat, kind of sweet, hint of spice, best drunk in the summer with pinky held high in the air.

If you like wheat, this may work for you, but sorry, I won't make this one my own dog.....


Full Name: In-Heat Wheat Hefeweizen
Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery
From: Frederick, MD
ABV: 4.7%

One of these days, I'll get the camera working again and add the pics...

BTW, if you are only reading this (which is cool with me...), I still suggest you get away from your computer and go find yourself a good beer!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 47 - Hazed & Infused


The color of tarnished bronze in the sun
Close your eyes, and a picture of ripe barley swaying in the breeze flashes in you mind
Taste buds, crying out for more of that hops-heavenness, with a subtle malt undertone
hand just can't help tipping the bottle again and again
Total and complete refreshment.........

Oh baby!


Full name: Hazed & Confused dry hopped ale
Brewed by: Boulder Beer Company
From: Boulder, CO
ABV: 4.85%

Wow, I really like this one, and a trip to their website shows a whole slew of other options. I'm having to breath through a paper bag to prevent hyperventilation, and trying to suppress thoughts of just selling everything tomorrow and moving to Boulder..... Yes, yes, it isn't setting records for ABV (but they have a 10% IPA!!!!!!!), and the subtle sweetness might turn off some purists, but this is just a darn good drinkable beer, and pushes out the other ale from my fav list.

So: Lion, Singha, Hazed

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 46 - George Killian's Irish Red

Given the beer, tonight's blog will really not be about beer....

So, the wife was at Trader Joe's on her way home, and asked me if I needed anything, and my response was a good Irish beer, it being St. Pattie's Day and the pipeline is thin. I then got on a call with my employee, and missed my wife's attempts to give me choices, and thus she made my decision for me. Then, when she got home, I was still working, so she put it in the freezer to chill it down for me, a thoughtful act indeed. Unfortunately, by the time I was ready to drink it, it was a slushy.

The good news, it really didn't matter. Everyone already probably has had this one themselves at some point, and truth be told, while not a bad brew, it is as Simon Cowell would say "forgetable". It's gone, and I can honestly say it doesn't register anymore, except the cold spot in my stomach......

No specs on this (I mean, why bother...), and my favs remain unchanged. Hum, I know I am sitting on a really good palie, and it was tempting to pull it out tonight, but then, I wouldn't have been able to share this story.....

BTW, still no batteries either....

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dat 45 - Blueberry Ale

So, I lied in my previous post. This isn't a fruited wheat, it's a fruited ale. Also, the digital camera is taking the night off on a power strike (aka no batteries...) Time to move on.

I have to give this beer kudos, it says it is a blueberry ale, and dang if you don't taste the blueberry. Maine blueberries that is, which are smaller and somewhat less sweet with a more concentrated blueberry flavor than their kin from other parts, so actually it doesn't lose me on being overly fufu. Ok, it does lose me though, because it reminds me of a breakfast cereal without the milk or crunch, and there is just no testosterone in that.


Full Name: Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale
Brewed by: Atlantic Brewing Company
From: Bar Harbor, ME
ABV: undisclosed (not on bottle or website)

I must admit, I did have to push myself a bit to finish this one off. I keep trying to get to the underlying beer taste, but just can't seem to get there. It might be good, but I can't tell.

So, favs remain firmly unchanged: Lion, Singha, Hoptical

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 44 - Murphy's Stout

Well, Cullen has returned to college, and my pipeline is showing the effects of his being home for a week - that is, it is diminished, and I probably will have to make a run before the weekend, lest I be stuck with a something terribly domestic....

Of the choices left, this, a fruited wheat or a extremely promising paley (hum, did I just coin a new reference term for pale ale, you heard it here first!), I chose this because I could write more gibberish about the process of chosing it rather than about it itself, which in the end, isn't really worth writing much about per se.

Still, back to task. It's Dr Pepper dark, hand lotion smooth, and tastes like someone threw a handful of very used coffee grounds in some water and let it steep for a few minutes.


Full Name: Murphy's Draft Style Stout
Brewed by: Scottish and Newcastle UK Ltd
From: Edinburgh, UK
ABV: unknown, unfindable, and frankly, not worried about it

BTW, it claims as a differentiator from other stouts the fact that it is lighter. This is not a plus in my book, as therefore it lacks character. Another beer to drink when you don't really drink beer...

On a postive note, I just talked to my dad, and while still a long way to go in rehab, my mom is recovering from her surgery and hopefully be well enough to be released this week. Means I'm off to NC to help out around the house and drink my dad's good scotch for a spell. No worries, the beer fest will continue!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 43 - O'hara's Irish Stout

This was a day of a lost hour (aka daylights savings time, which didn't save me squat today...), plus driving to Charlottesville and back to talk fraternity business, so I was ready for a comfort brew when I got home.

While I haven't had this brand before, it meets my expectations - deep brown color, creamy texture, and the perfect "a few thousand miles past the 3k mile suggested change time for your oil" taste. Admittedly, and I may be premature here but out the limb I go, no stout or porter will probably break my top 3 during the year. Still, there are times when one of these types just is a good decision, and this one has many of the right attributes, plus a light finish, that makes it a viable choice, especially if you want the taste without the heaviness. The ABV of this is a tad on the low side, but again, there are times (yes, few as they may be Chris/Dean..) where that isn't all bad.


Full Name: O'hara's Irish Stout

Brewed by: Carlow Brewing Company

From: Carlow, Ireland

ABV: 4.3%

Upon reflection, this one is very close to being a black lager, but hey, in the end, call it what you will, it has a decent taste and freshness that makes it worth drinking.

Top 3 favs (unchanged): Singha, Lion Lager, Hoptical Illusion

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 42 - Red Seal Ale

Ellie's B-day, and we went to Bonefish Grill. Along, besides yours truly and the b-day girl were daughter Liz and son Cullen, and son's girl friend, Elia. Good eats, but ok, enough about that....

This is a good, comfortable ale. Nice dryness, yet clean, fresh finish, and very drinkable. It won't displace any of my top 3, but I'd grab it over many other beers for sure.


Full Name: Red Seal Ale

Brewed by: North Coast Brewing Company

From: Fort Bragg, CA

ABV: 5.5%

This was a safe choice for a saturday night, but I was actually full after dinner, and the other beers I have are stouts and fruit flavored wheats, so sue me.... ;>)

Still favs: Singha, Lion, Hopitical Illusion

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 41 - Hop Stoopid

More often than not the randomness of life can drive you to drink, but sometimes, it drives you to drink really good beer....

This one was recommended just today by Chris Anderson, an old frat brother, and Cullen was talking about my undertaking with his haircutter this afternoon, who said her husband really liked the selection at Wegmans, so putting both together and voila, here I sit drinking an excellent brew. 20 oz of autumn-gold hoppy-happiness. What a great start to the weekend!


Full Name: Hop Stoopid Ale
Brewed by: Lagunitas Brewing Co
From: Petaluma CA
ABV: 8% (that's what I'm talking about!)

If you like your beer full of hops flavor, in a 20 oz bottle and a high ABV, go find this one! If not, dont, which is cool, as it means more for me...

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 40 - Drifter Pale Ale

Sniff, sniff, this is the last of the Uncle Bill contributions, and it was an excellent run of ales.

This one is actually pleasingly different. A redish amber color, and a sweeter flavor underlying the dry hops. Very refreshing, though maybe a good first beer for the flavor, then switch to other less complex beers for additional consumption purposes. This could be too sweet for the purest hops-head, and like, I don't necessarily want to be distracted by my beer trying to figure it out all the time....

Full Name: The Original Drifter Pale Ale
Brewed by: Widmer Brothers Brewing Co
From: Portland, OR
ABV: 5.7%
Ok, not the highest ABV for an ale, but also not the 3.8% of last nights brew, which a fraternity brother commmented as what he might drink to sober up... (he didn't earn the nickname "Beerman" for nothing... ;>) )
Favs still the same: Lion, Singha, Hopitical

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 39 - Heavenly Light

So, another beer with a divine name and perhaps intentions even, but in the end, is only a step above water. Cullen's assessment (and it isn't hard to tell his perspective...) is that if it were cheap, it would replace Nattie Light....high praise from a college student.

So yep, very pale yellow color, and very pale flavor, the latter making it very easy to drink, but in my humble O, why? Hum, if the price is right, it would be good to keep on hand for friends that drink beer, sort of.


Full Name: Heavenly Light Pilsner
Brewed by: Holy Brew Brewing Company

From: Wilkes Barre PA
ABV: 3.8% (totally sad....)

Even though my older brother Rick wanted this dedicated to him, it still goes to my mom, who is doing as well as can be expected after her surgery. I had a good conversation with her on her iPhone this am, which was amazing. Rick supposedly has a beer from CA for me, but no dedications will happen before donations (except for mom of course!) That is just the rules..... ;>)

Top 3 so far:

Lion Lager
Hoptical Illusion

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 38 - Dogfish Head

It's not really cheating having your son at home having a different beer than you on the side that you get to taste right...?

This one was actually recommended by Cullen, as he had it whilst visiting family friends in AZ. It is very stout-esque, black, very heavy roasted malt sweetness, yet a touch lighter and cleaner finish. It's not a pale ale, but an excellent change of pace for those times you want to walk the other side of the street. I'd be inclined to keep a few of these on hand for those occasions.
Full Name: Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale
Brewed by: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
From: Milton, DE (another state - check)
ABV: 7.2%
I dedicate this blog to my mom, who underwent cancer surgery today. I really have her to blame for my willingness to try different things, as she made sure when we were growing up that we were exposed to all sorts of strange creations. Thanks mom... ;>)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 37 - Hoptical Illusion

Cullen is home for spring break, which provided a good excuse, aka necessity..., to add more beers to the pipeline. Now the more clever reader will pick up a clue to the type of beer this is, and no, it isn't like I am giving in to my tastebuds. Well, yes I am .....

Fact is, this a a darn good beer, and only put additional pressure to go all pale ales, but I did manage a number of other type in this purchase, just picked this one first. Cullen btw is having a different pale ale which is truly awesome, and will show up here in the very near future.

I'm not even going to try and describe this deliciousness, because I might create a rush to the stores and not be able to find it myself again. Another human trait is exposed - greed.... ;>)

Full name: Unknown...
Brewed by: Can't read the label...
From: Somewhere...
ABV: 6.8%

My friend Rob suggested I keep a running list of my top 3 favorites, and when I have a better, kick one off. I will begin that tomorrow.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 36 - Kostritzer

My weekend life revolves around fixing cars it seems, and this afternoon I tried and failed rather spectacularly at getting the sunroof to work again. Now I have a nice hole in the roof of my car and liner hanging down on the inside so you can't see out the back window...

Ah well, at least I have my beer to dull the pain, another black lager, this one from Germany. Yep. it is indeed black. Other than that, it is mostly forgetable, sigh. Ok, it was easy to drink, and had a roasted malt flavor that put it one rung over mass-domestics, but add a relatively low ABV and you are only a few steps above flavored water. I'm thinking that most beeers are brewed to be acceptable by the masses, by which I mean those people that don't drink beer looking for good taste.


Full Name: Kostritzer Schwartzbier

Brewed by: Köstritzer Schwarzbierbrauerei GmbH

From: Germany

ABV: 4.8%

Maybe this really is a sign that I should stick to pale ales.... ;>)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 35 - Purple Haze / Shoals Pale Ale

So, we were having a kind of early dinner because Liz was going out with a friend, and she wanted me to pull out another from her selection, thus this raspberry wheat. To be honest, I was kind of hoping it would be really sweet/fruity, so I could trash talk it, but at best it is very faint background noise in an otherwise rather common beer. I mean, it doesn't taste like horse urine, but it certainly is snooze city. Again, maybe just another for the "just to look cool" genre for those that like their beer bland. I at least can cross another state off the list, though I hope this isn't the best LA has....


Full Name: Purple Haze Raspberry Wheat Brew
Brewed by: Abita Brewing Company
From: Abita Springs, LA
ABV: wasn't on bottle, didn't really care to look it up

Now for the twist. Being the totaly wild/crazy guy I am, I decided that tonight I'd go for two. Plus, I really wanted a pale ale anyway and the Purple Haze provided a perfect excuse. I mean, who could blame me, and since I'd had the IPA from this brewer on day 10 I think, it was kind of like not really breaking the rule of one different/day...(Hum, what sets humans apart - ability to rationalize)

Aahhhhhh, good choice if I may say so. Like the IPA, this has the grapefruity bitterness that I really enjoy, with a clean finish. Just another excellent beer. One of my dreams is owning land with some water to fish, but I might have to add the criteria of within driving distance of this brewery.


Full Name: Shoals Pale Ale
Brewed by: Smuttynose Brewing Co
From: Portsmouth, NH
ABV: 5.5% (a bit low, but then, sometimes it isn't about the alcohol...)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 34 - Jumping Cow

It's friday, so I'll keep this short.

This beer is worth looking for and drinking. Well-rounded flavor, balancing both a malty undertone with a dry finish. Would go well at any occasion. If you see it, try it, if you don't like it, that's tough cookies, and why are you listening to me... ;>)

Full Name: Jumping Cow Amber Ale
Brewed by: Steinhaus Brewing Co
From: New Ulm, MN
ABV: 5.5%

Everyone (or anyone....) have a great weekend, and FYI, this one is from the Proc Collection, so thanks Dave/Mary!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 33 - Two Hearted Ale

You can go three ways with tradition, start, follow or break. Of course, if you constantly redefine the word, it's hard to know which one you are doing....

Tonight, I live totally on the edge: instead of drinking the beer while I wrote the blog, I drank it during dinner beforehand. However, last night I had a fish-themed beer, and tonight I have a fish-themed beer, and this is another Bell's Brewery (though very different from the stout)...break one, start another, continue another, crazy wild, I know!!!

Still it's all about the beer, and this one was just flat out tasty. Light, bold, dry, and decent ABV level, what else is there? I'd be very happy with a case of this in my fridge, but might hide it behind the Yuenglings I keep for general consumption and to distract those less likely to appreciate this IPA.


Full Name: Two Hearted Ale
Brewed by: Bell's Brewery Inc
From: Comstock MI
ABV: 7%

The only thing about drinking fish-themed beer is that I'm getting the itch to go fishing, and the weather isn't exactly the best for scratching that. Sigh. Luckily, finding and drinking new beer is almost like fishing, except the catch/release part, at least if I spin it that way. I must admit, the urge to go all pale ales is growing, but I will not relent, yet.....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 32 - Fisherman's Brew

I must admit, this was purchased purely on name, with no hope of any real quality. Good news is, it exceeds that expectation...

An amber lager, the color is akin to an ale, which is to say a few shades towards brown from yellow. It has a surprisingly malty overtone for a lager, which I find an acceptable change of pace. I could actually picture myself sitting there on a wharf, fishing pole in one hand, a bottle of this in the other, though the picture might change for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. I mean, while it exceeds expectations, it isn't going to be my bbe (best beer ever.....)

Full Name: Fisherman's Brew American Amber Lager

Brewed by: Cape Ann Brewing Company under contract with Olde Sarasota Brewing (Sarasota Springs, NY)

From: Gloucester, MA

ABV: 5.5%

So, overall not a bad brew, but I'm not planning a trip to MA just for this. It doesn't disappoint, and might be a good substitution for it's better known local competitor Sam Adams, but that is a different testing. Newly added to my goal list is finding a different beer from each state. Some might be tricky.....

Donations are still welcomed! ;>)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 31 - Trinity Red Ale

Equating the combination of malt, hops and water with "the" Trinity is a bit of a stretch, especially since, while ok, this particular brew isn't going to spawn a best-selling book to be written about it....

I'm actually a bit conflicted on this one. It tries to be really good, but somehow comes up short across the board. The color has a very faint reddish amber tinge, but not the coppery red to wow the eye. It has only a hint of the citrusy hops hit I prefer, and it's short lived. Reminds me of a 3' sliding board.

Specs (per bottle):
Full Name: Trinity Red Ale
Brewed by: Trinity Brewing Company
From: Chicago IL
ABV: ?

Ok, an interesting thing happened when I went online to find the ABV for this one. Per another beer blog, this beer is brewed/bottled under this name exclusively for Trader Joes, and no such brewery really exists. Their assessment was basically the same as mine, which is, a decent beer for someone who wants to look adventurous, but wouldn't dream of driving their HumVee off the city streets. The good news is, you don't know when you find the best, if you never sample the alternatives......

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 30 - The Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout

Another from the Liz collection, this one has both the color and bold taste to rival a fine dark chocolate, not too bitter, not too sweet, with a dry aftertaste.

Back to the basics. Yeah, yeah, it has the roasted maltiness that is the foundation of stouts, but half way through, and I still can't put my tongue on exactly what is different. I guess it must be the milk sugars. So, sometimes it's best not to over analyze, so we'll go with it is a good drop.


Full Name: The Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout
Brewed by: The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery
From: Farmville, NC
ABV: 5.7% (it wasn't on the bottle or website, but an email to the brewer was promptly returned!)

Last comments. I'd definitely rate this a "must try", if you like this genre. For me, I might keep one or two on hand just for something different, though they have a brown ale that sounds pretty tasty. I'm not sure if the name is that manly, but the brew leans that direction.... ;>)