Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 71 - Snapperhead IPA

So the day dawned clear and cool, and since we had received a notice from our neighborhood association that the pine tree that had fallen during the snow storm had to go, it was time. After cutting off all the limbs, and the trunk into manageable lengths, and removing the stump, and then, what the heck, move the dogwood from it's crowded place to these posh new digs (literally....), I barely had time, aka energy, to go out and fill the pipeline a bit, but no pain, no pain-killer! Good thing I only type with 2 fingers, the others can't move anyways ;>).

So, a canned palie, who knew. Actually it isn't half bad, and alot better than the porter recently consumed. It has both a strong hops aroma as well as the taste. You know, there are times when bottles are not practical, this would be a very good alternative.


Full Name: Snapperhead IPA Farmhouse Ale
Brewed By: Butternuts Beer and Ale
From: Garrattsville NY
ABV: 6.3%

So got this home, and put it in the freezer, then turned on the Masters, and forgot beer. It was a bit slushy by the time I remembered, but it thawed well. BTW, this one takes the award for most bizzare website.

This one is dedicated to my mom, who unfortunately took a side-step last night in the waltz of recovery. Hopefully she'll be back making forward progress and stamping on dad's feet again soon!

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