Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 187 - Up The Creek

12.8% ABV!!!!!!!!

A deep, red-brown color, and almost a smash-mouth level of malt combined with undertow of dry hops. Wow...


Full Name: Up The Creek Extreme IPA
Brewed By: Thomas Creek Brewery
From: Greenville NC
ABV: see above...;>)

This one does start off a bit heavy, and takes a bit of getting used to, but once the taste buds get over the initial shock, it settles into a rather nice drink, although be prepared to make the drinking of this part of your cognitive processing during the consumption.


  1. Sounds like a winner!

  2. Indeed, but clearly I used up all my vocab words on this one, which was only possible because I hadn't had more than one... ;>)
