Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dat 45 - Blueberry Ale

So, I lied in my previous post. This isn't a fruited wheat, it's a fruited ale. Also, the digital camera is taking the night off on a power strike (aka no batteries...) Time to move on.

I have to give this beer kudos, it says it is a blueberry ale, and dang if you don't taste the blueberry. Maine blueberries that is, which are smaller and somewhat less sweet with a more concentrated blueberry flavor than their kin from other parts, so actually it doesn't lose me on being overly fufu. Ok, it does lose me though, because it reminds me of a breakfast cereal without the milk or crunch, and there is just no testosterone in that.


Full Name: Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale
Brewed by: Atlantic Brewing Company
From: Bar Harbor, ME
ABV: undisclosed (not on bottle or website)

I must admit, I did have to push myself a bit to finish this one off. I keep trying to get to the underlying beer taste, but just can't seem to get there. It might be good, but I can't tell.

So, favs remain firmly unchanged: Lion, Singha, Hoptical


  1. Anne suggests drinking it in the summer. Of course, she is a self proclaimed beer hater and wears a skirt to work often. She really likes this stuff, 'nuff said.

  2. I refuse to wear skirts between Labor and Memorial days...

    A good beer should be able to be drunk at any time of year. It has to stand up on its own merits, not the weathers. Of course, there are good seasonal beers, but that is a different bottle of brew.
