Cullen is home for spring break, which provided a good excuse, aka necessity..., to add more beers to the pipeline. Now the more clever reader will pick up a clue to the type of beer this is, and no, it isn't like I am giving in to my tastebuds. Well, yes I am .....
Fact is, this a a darn good beer, and only put additional pressure to go all pale ales, but I did manage a number of other type in this purchase, just picked this one first. Cullen btw is having a different pale ale which is truly awesome, and will show up here in the very near future.
I'm not even going to try and describe this deliciousness, because I might create a rush to the stores and not be able to find it myself again. Another human trait is exposed - greed.... ;>)
Full name: Unknown...
Brewed by: Can't read the label...
From: Somewhere...
ABV: 6.8%
My friend Rob suggested I keep a running list of my top 3 favorites, and when I have a better, kick one off. I will begin that tomorrow.
Resorting to gimmicks already? I like Rob's idea. Went out for Chinese tonight. Had a Tsingtao. A nice malty odor, real clean finish, but not much flavor in my opinion.