Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 18 - Audacious Apricot Ale

Well, the name really says it all. After a number of relatively safe brew styles, in which I would include the doublebock even though it isn't exactly mainstream, I decided to pull out the most left field beer I had in my pipeline, and this was it.

So, apricot flavored wheat ale, who knew. Not so surprising, it has a distinct sweet overtone, but I must admit, once you get past that (and it's taken over half the bottle before my taste buds stopped whining...), it really does finish clean, and it lacks that heavy spicy sweetness common in wheat beers. I'm thinking if you take out the fruit, this could be a darn good drink. I have to believe that this brewery makes other beers, and will look for the brand.


Name: Audacious Apricot Ale
By: Pyramid Breweries
From: Seattle WA, Portland OR, Berkley CA (multi locales it apears)

ABV: 5.1%

Per the bottle label, they "create an adventure worth sharing with friends". Hum, not sure I'm secure enough in my manliness to pull out apricot-flavored wheat ale at a football game party, but you know, it never hurts to show a sensitive side now and again, so keeping a bottle of this on hand for those occassions should be acceptable.

An old friend and fraternity brother commented that most boutique brews were unknown because they sucked (Andy always gets to the point quickly and succinctly.. ), and that I should keep a list of those that fit that description during the year. Honestly, I just flat out like beer, and appreciate variety, so I hope that as long as I stay away from mass produced domestics, especially if they contain vanilla, that list shouldn't be long.

Donations solely intended to test this theory will get the donor blog-flogged......;>)

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a brew I had a few nights ago at Union Jack's in Winchester: Lindemans' Framboise, a Belgian lambic brewed with raspberries. Really low alcohol level, but very fruity and a serious bright red color.
